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Translation - Turkish-English - COLA'NIN 60 DK.

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Category Explanations - Health / Medecine

Submitted by alexfatt
Source language: Turkish


Bu haberi okuduktan sonra bir daha kola içer misiniz? 1 bardak kola 1 saatte vücütta neler yapıyor?
İç ve Kalp Hastalıkları Uzmanı Prof. Dr. Canan Karatay, bir bardak kolanın 60 dakikada vücuda verdiği zararları anlattı.

İşte felakete götüren kısır döngü:

Prof. Dr. Karatay, 'kola içince vücudunuzda neler olduğunun farkında mısınız?' diyerek aşağıdaki açıklamayı yaptı:

1. İlk 10 dakikada: Kanınıza hemen 10 çay kaşığı kadar şeker girer. Bu normal günlük dozun 100 katı kadardır. Bulantınızın olmamasının nedeni içinde bulunan 'fosforik asiddir'.

2. İlk 20 dakikada: Kan şekeriniz aşırı şekilde yükselir. Bunun sonucu pankreasınızda aşırı derecede insülin salgılanır ve kan şekerinin fazlası karaciğerde yağ olarak depolanmaya başlar.

3. 40 dakika içinde: Kafeinin tamamı dolaşıma girmiş olur. Kan basıncı yükselir, karaciğerden daha fazla şeker yapılarak kana geçer ve kan şekeri tekrar yükselir.

4. 45 dakika içinde: Beyinde dopamin yapımı artar, mutluluk hissi başlar (eroinin etkisine benzer bir etki meydana gelir.)

5. 60 dakika içinde: Ani açlık hissi oluşur.

6. Tekrar kolaya ve tatlılara saldırısınız.

7. Bu kısır döngü devam ettiği süre karaciğer ve göbek yağlanması artar, vücudun tüm hücrelerinde LEPTİN ve İNSÜLİN DİRENCİ gelişir.

8. Şişmanlık hastalığını başlatmıştır ve bütün dejeneratif hastalıkların nedenidir.

Hala cola içmek istermisiniz? İçmem diyenler paylaşır mı acaba...


Translated by Mesud2991
Target language: English


Would you drink a coke again after reading this information? What does a glass of coke do inside the body in an hour? Cardiologist Prof. Dr. Canan Karatay has illustrated the harm that coke does to the body in 60 minutes.

Here is the vicious circle ending in disaster:

Prof. Dr. Karatay, who asked "do you know what happens when you drink a coke?", has made the statement below:

1. In the first 10 minutes: About ten teaspoons of sugar will enter your blood. This is one hundred times as much as the normal daily dose. The reason why you don't feel any nausea is that it contains phosphoric acid.

2. In the first 20 minutes: Your blood sugar will rise dramatically. As a result of this, large amounts of insulin will be produced in the pancreas and much of your blood sugar will start to get stored in the liver as fat.

3. Within 40 minutes: All of the caffeine will have entered the circulation. Your blood pressure will rise, more sugar is produced in the liver and moves into the blood and blood sugar levels will rise again.

4. Within 45 minutes: The brain will start to produce more dopamine and the feeling of happiness will start. (This effect is similar to that caused by heroin.)

5. Within 60 minutes: Suddenly a feeling of hunger will appear.

6. You will lace into a coke or desserts again.

7. As long as this vicious circle continues, liver and belly fattening will increase; LEPTIN and INSULIN RESISTANCE will develop in all cells of the body.

8. It has made obesity start and is the cause of all degenerative illnesses.

Would you still want to drink a coke? Would those who say "I'll never drink it" please share this?
Validated by Lein - 23 July 2012 15:32

Last messages


18 April 2012 22:34

Number of messages: 1538
Now I will drastically reduce the amount of Coke I drink!!
Thanks for translating it, Mesud

18 April 2012 23:16

Number of messages: 1331
Good idea!
You are welcome, Alex

11 July 2012 14:24

Number of messages: 3389
Hi Mesud,

I have made some minor edits. Let me know if you don't agree.
A few questions before I set a poll:

By saying "do you know what happens when drink a coke?" -> how about 'Prof. Dr. Karatay, who asked "do you know etc" has made the statement below.
(In English, when you say 'by saying' it means saying this itself implies something. For example, by saying he would do it again, he demonstrated his contempt for the rules'. If you say 'by saying x, he said y', it means that he did not actually say y - it was implied in x. I hope this is clear...

'insulin will unusually be produced'
How about 'high amounts of insulin will be produced' or 'unusual / abnormal / exceptional amounts of insulin will be produced' ?

Are you sure the original text says that much of your blood will start to get stored in the liver? Shouldn't that be much of your blood sugar?

passing from the liver into blood by being produced more sugar -> this is not an understandable sentence. What do you mean here?

11 July 2012 15:06

Number of messages: 1331
Hi Lein,

Thank you very much for your explanations.




- The original text is very comlicated. It says 'it will pass from the liver into blood by(maybe 'after' would be better) being produced more sugar'. I didn't understand why reference was made. I mean I can't say anything reasonable about what 'it' refers to. Sorry.

11 July 2012 17:17

Number of messages: 3389

Could the last sentence be read as
'more sugar is produced an (because of this) moves from the liver into the blood'?

11 July 2012 18:15

Number of messages: 1331
It could be.

or "more sugar is produced in the liver and moves into the blood"?

11 July 2012 18:36

Number of messages: 3389
Done! I'll set a poll. Thanks again!

11 July 2012 18:51

Number of messages: 1331
I thank you

17 July 2012 09:08

Number of messages: 3769
your stomach...> your blood