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Translation - Croatian-English - Smrtonisni virusi

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Category Education

Smrtonisni virusi
Submitted by goginho22
Source language: Croatian

Još od davnina smrtonosni virusi i bakterije predstavljali su opasnost po ljudski rod.U povijesti je poznato nekoliko tih smrtonosnih virusa među kojima su najpoznatiji Crna kuga i španjolska gripa.Španjolska gripa je uslijedila nakon prvog svijetskog rata i ostavila je iza sebe brojne žrtve.Prije oko tisuću godina u Europi je slican trag ostavila crna kuga.Žrtve su patile od kašljanja,prišteva i povraćanja nekoliko tjedana. A zatim su umrli na grozan naćin.Međutim virus poput ebolie može se uvijek pojaviti i postajati sve otporniji na antibiotike.A to bi izazivalo velike probleme za čovječanstvo.Bilo koji virus ubojica može se veoma brzo proširiti zrakom poput vatre u požaru.I na kraju ja mislim da bi ljudi koji su zaduženi za virusna oboljenja trebali uložiti maksimalne napore da bih spriječili takvo nešto da se opet ne ponovi jer bih mogle biti velike posljedice.

Deadly viruses

Translated by Maski
Target language: English

For ages deadly viruses and bacteria presented a great danger for the human race. Several of those deadly viruses are known in history, amongst which are the Black Plague and the Spanish Flu. The Spanish Flu came after the First World War and left many victims behind. Some thousand years before, the Black Plague left a similar mark all over Europe. Victims suffered coughs, boils and vomiting for several weeks. After that they would die a horrible death. However, viruses like Ebola can appear at any time and become more and more resistant to antibiotics. That would cause great problems for humankind. Any killer virus can spread through the air as quickly as fire. Finally, I believe that people in charge of viral illnesses should invest all their power to stop something like this from happening again, because the consequences could be grave.
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Validated by kafetzou - 13 May 2007 18:42