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Original text - Albanian - qa po ban a je mir naj ...

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This text is available in the following languages: AlbanianGerman

Category Letter / Email

Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
qa po ban a je mir naj ...
Text to be translated
Submitted by mikerowave
Source language: Albanian

qa po ban a je mir naj sen tre po moti skena fol,nasht ma mir.veq dashta me ta bo perhajr festen e bajramit...tung kalo mir

edhe nihere po thom tung :P

shko more ne pr se shum po te dojke qika :P
qysh spo te vjen gjynah o rexhep. :D hej prom um ka marr gjumi valla,tani um ka dal kah ne ora 3 ama von u kon.tung klm ska mbuah :P
Remarks about the translation
No diacritics = "meaning only" translation request.
Edited by Francky5591 - 11 November 2010 21:07