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Target language

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Source language
Turkish kiÅŸisel bir ileti girdim
kiÅŸisel bir ileti girdim

Completed translations
English I inserted a personal message
Spanish He introducido un mensaje personal
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English The great trick
The great trick
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
Turkish büyük hile.
German Die große List
Greek Το μεγάλο κόλπο
Source language
Turkish Sıradakii..

Completed translations
English the next one
German Der nächste..
Source language
Latin In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti
In nomine Patris
et Filii
et Spiritus Sancti

Completed translations
Norwegian I Faderens, og Sønnens, og Den hellige ånds navn
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italian T'amo bella mia
T'amo bella mia
north america english

Completed translations
English I love you my pretty girl
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Romanian dragostea,prietenia, rup cele mai mari...
dragostea, prietenia, rup cele mai mari distanţe din vieţile noastre.

Completed translations
Spanish El amor y la amistad rompen las más largas distancias en nuestras vidas
French L'amour et l'amitié rompent les distances les plus grandes dans nos vies.
Source language
Hungarian A versenypálya teljes hossza az 1986-os átadáskor...
A versenypálya teljes hossza az 1986-os átadáskor 4013,786 méter volt. Az 1989-es évben kisebb korrekciót hajtottunk végre.
Eu preciso saber, na verdade, se neste trecho algum dos anos que aparecem citados é o ano de fundação do circuito Hungaroring.

Completed translations
English Race
Portuguese brazilian O comprimento total...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Norwegian jeg gleeder meg til jul!!miss you baby...
jeg gleeder meg til jul!!miss you baby...
inglês americano

Completed translations
English I am looking forward to Christmas!!
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Portuguese brazilian Me leve para um caminho, onde eu nunca percorri,...
Me leve para um caminho, onde eu nunca percorri, me de o seu carinho, o que na vida eu mais pedi.
Me dê uma chance, para que eu possa provar, que tudo que estiver ao meu alcance, eu posso te dar!
não contém palavras de difícil entendimento.

Completed translations
English Take me to a way where I never went through
Source language
Portuguese brazilian EU ACREDITO NO AMOR DE DEUS

Completed translations
Turkish Tanrı'nın sevgisine inanıyorum
Source language
Japanese Ana wa kawaii desu! Mochiron!
Ana wa kawaii desu! Mochiron!

Completed translations
Finnish Ana on söpö! Tietenkin!
Source language
Arabic الحرية...
الحرية الحرية الحرية الحرية الحرية

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian Liberdade
Source language
English your KI meter tells you what the enemy is feeling
your KI meter tells you what the enemy is feeling

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian seu medidor de KI diz-lhe o que o inimigo está sentindo
Source language
Danish hun er lækker
hun er lækker

Completed translations
Turkish o kız çok güzel
10Source language10
Latin revertere ad locum tuum
revertere ad locum tuum
Encontrei escrito na entrada de um cemitério.

Completed translations
English Back to your location
Portuguese brazilian Volta para o lugar de onde vieste.
Source language
Greek έχω το άγγιγμα του Μύδα
έχω το άγγιγμα του Μύδα

Completed translations
Catalan Tinc el tacte de Midas
Italian ho il tocco di Mida
Latin Mihi tactum Midae est
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