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Translation - English-Italian - the sulfur dioxide pollution monitoring net of...

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This text is available in the following languages: EnglishItalian

Category Business / Jobs

the sulfur dioxide pollution monitoring net of...
Submitted by kabetto
Source language: English

the sulfur dioxide pollution monitoring net of the city environmental gas...

the new tecnology of monitoring power generation of emission source of sulfur dioxide in coal fired power plant

the system of company fulfiling the environmental protection obligation

estabilish the information system for acid rain and sulfur dioxide pollution database and dynamic management

rate system of pollution discharge

the system of cleaning development

la rete di monitoraggio sull’inquinamento dell’anidride solforosa....

Translated by Ricciodimare
Target language: Italian

la rete di monitoraggio sull’inquinamento dell’anidride solforosa e del gas nell’ambiente cittadino…

il nuovo potere tecnologico di monitoraggio della fonte di produzione ed emissione dell’anidride solforosa nella centrale a carbone

il sistema dell'azienda che ottempera all'obbligo della protezione ambientale

Accertare tramite un database il sistema di informazione e un controllo dinamico
sull’inquinamento della pioggia acida e dell’anidride solforosa

Sistema di scarico del tasso d’inquinamento

Lo sviluppo del sistema di depurazione
Remarks about the translation
Il testo sorgente non è chiaro.

Ho deciso di accettare comunque la traduzione dopo mesi di attese.

Il sondaggio ha avuto esiti positivi con decine di risposte. C'erano comunque anche riscontri negativi.

Il richiedente non ha mai risposto ad alcuna domanda.

Validated by Xini - 4 November 2007 10:47

Last messages


24 September 2007 22:00

Number of messages: 2747
Hi Kabetto,

The English of the text you have submitted is not very easily understandable.

In order to evaluate the translation into Italian, I first need to understand what you are trying to say in English.

Should the first line read "the city's gas..."

The second line "the new tecnology of monitoring... ...fired power plant", I don't understand what you are trying to say. What is more in English Technology needs an "h".

The rest of the English text has the same type of problems.

I think Riccio's translation is probably correct but I bet she struggled to understand the English.


24 September 2007 23:30

Number of messages: 23
oops i thought this was into English

24 September 2007 23:35

Number of messages: 23
the Italian comes across more clearly than the original and the meaning may be slightly changed because of this: "the system of cleaning development" (which is pretty ambiguous) is translated as "lo sviluppo del sistema di depurazione" which I would translate back to "the development of the purification system" (much clearer).

25 September 2007 08:57

Number of messages: 3
lo definirei proprio biossido di zolfo; nuova tecnologia di generazione di forza monitoraggio della sorgente di emissione del biossido di zolfo in centrali carbonifere;

il sistema della società adempiente gli obblighi di protezione ambientale;
istituire il sistema di informazioni per pioggia acida e base di dati per l'inquinamento di biossido di zolfo e gestione dinamica;
sistema di velocità dello scarico inquinante;

25 September 2007 09:23

Number of messages: 1
ci sono diverse imperfezioni, non solo nella traduzione, ma anche di grammatica italiana, dando origine a frasi senza senso

25 September 2007 12:32

Number of messages: 116
-gas ambientale della citta
-power generation == generazione di energia
-stabilire il sistema informatico per il database del inquinamento ...
-aliquota(?)del'inquinamento di scarico

25 September 2007 14:17

Number of messages: 8
Well, maybe the words used are okay, but I think the meaning of most of the sentences is absolutely wrong. Example:
"Sistema di scarico del tasso d'inquinamento" means "Discharge system of pollution rate", but never "Rate system of pollution discharge".
The meaning of the whole translation is wrong.

25 September 2007 16:01

Number of messages: 23
I agree with Marian: even though the source material comes across unclearly, even ambiguous sometimes, the Italian strays too far from the original English to be considered an accurate translation and there are a few errors which REALLY change the meaning. Here's another example (aside from ones already listed):
"the new tecnology of monitoring power generation" is translated as "il nuovo potere tecnologico di monitoraggio della fonte di produzione" First of all, as gigi noted, the translation of "power generation" is not correct. Also, "power" is changed to a noun and "technology" is changed to an adjective modifying "power." (potere tecnologico). Power does not belong here, as it is meant to modify "generation." In other words, "power" shouldn't be monitoring anything. The "new technology" is what's doing the monitoring...

25 September 2007 19:50

Number of messages: 27
Non mi convince soprattutto il "sistema di scarico del tasso di inquinamento", dove i termini mi sembrano scambiati rispetto all'inglese con conseguente cambiamento di senso; lo stesso discorso vale per l'ultima frase. Anche "accertare..." mi sembra leggermente diverso: non si tratta piuttosto di costituire il sistema informatico per il database ecc.?

25 September 2007 20:01

Number of messages: 1655
I agree with quite all of you!

But in particular, I would say that THE SOURCE TEXT IS AWFUL!

Thanks to all.

Anyway, for example, I would say something like:

rate system of pollution discharge
sistema di valutazione dello scarico di inquinamento (???)

the system of cleaning development
Il sistema di sviluppo della depurazione (???)

rather than adopting Riccio's solutions.

Kabetto, puoi dirci qualcosa di più su questo testo?
Ad ogni modo, l'impressione che mi dà è che sia un testo italiano tradotto in inglese attraverso traduttori automatici.

is marianvr performing some chemical experimenta?

CC: kabetto Ricciodimare

25 September 2007 20:10

Number of messages: 2747
Hi Folks

This text seems to have created too many problems for the English to Italian translators. This is the sixth attempt to produce a coherent text in Italian.

I have posted a message under the original asking the submitter to clean up his text and submit a coherent text in English.

If it is possible I will make sure that the rejected texts be rejected with a decent rating since it is not the fault of the translators. The source text is not translatable in its present form.

I hope this is ok with everyone.


CC: kabetto Ricciodimare kafetzou Xini

25 September 2007 20:10

Number of messages: 1655
Well, I checked and I gave all "no rating". Same for Riccio's only rejection. I just gave 0 for a clear machine traslation.

26 September 2007 04:45

Number of messages: 7963
Tantine, why did you cc me on this?

26 September 2007 09:23

Number of messages: 1
credo che "rate system of pollution discharge" sia meglio traducubile con "sistema di valutazione delle emissioni inquinanti"

26 September 2007 13:17

Number of messages: 2747
Hi Kafetzou,

I'm sorry, I can't remember

Maybe it was so you could see what awful English the original was?

26 September 2007 13:45

Number of messages: 7963
OK; I'm going to unsubscribe to notifications now. But thanks anyhow!

1 October 2007 22:05

Number of messages: 1
Não há "power plant" no segundo parágrafo traduzido para o italiano.

18 October 2007 13:34

Number of messages: 91
Nu e o traducere prea exacta, si consider ca ar fi fost necesara una intr-un text stiintific.

18 October 2007 13:38

Number of messages: 1655
Kabetto, ma dove diavolo l'hai trovato questo benedetto testo?¿?

CC: kabetto

3 November 2007 15:02

Number of messages: 1
The monitoring network and on sulfur dioxide gas into citizen…

The new power technology tracking of the source of production and emission of sulfur dioxide in central coal

The system that the company comply with environmental protection

Ensure through a database information system and a dynamic control
On acid rain and sulfur dioxide

Exhaust system in the rate of pollution

The development of purification system
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