334 Source language J'avais tant de choses à te dire que j'ai pensé... J'avais tant de choses à te dire que j'ai pensé te faire traduire ma lettre, ça serait plus facile. Tu peux me répondre en turc. Tu m'as apporté beaucoup. J'étais dans une période difficile quand on s'est rencontrés et tu m'as redonné le sourire; je pourrais te l'expliquer si tu le souhaites. J'aimerais sincèrement te revoir... Je pourrais venir en Turquie, ce n'est pas un problème. C'est un superbe pays. Merci pour tout. Completed translations Sana söyleyecek o kadar çok şeyim vardıki | |
185 Source language Sana ne demeliyim bilmiyorum Sana ne demeliyim bilmiyorum, Güneşim desem güneş batıyor, Hayatım desem hayat kısa, Gülüm desem oda soluyor, Sana canım demeliyim. Çünkü bu can seninle yaşıyor..SENİ ÇOK ÇOK ÇOK S E V İ Y O R U M A Ş K I M Dit is een antwood op een liefdestekst. Graag in het Vlaams a.u.b. Dank u Completed translations I don't know what I should call you, hoe moet ik je noemen | |
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111 Source language This translation request is "Meaning only". Göllenmiş at israrında yüzen sinek... Göllenmiş at idrarında yüzen saman çöpüne konan sinek, idrar birikintisini deryâ, saman çöpünü gemi, kendini de kaptân-ı deryâ sanır. Completed translations Captain fly | |
325 Source language poezie de iubire ÃŽÅ¢I SPUN...
Îţi spun... Dacă M-ai săruta pe obraz, M-aş spăla, Cu băgare de seamă De teamă Să nu tulbur Limpezimea sărutului tău...
Îţi spun... Dacă M-ai mîngîia pe creştet, M-aş pieptăna Cu băgare de seamă De teamă Să nu-ntin Mireasma atingerii tale...
ÃŽÅ£i spun... Dacă Mi-ai ÅŸopti că mă iubeÅŸti, AÅŸ respira Cu băgare de seamă De teamă Să nu risipesc Vraja ÅŸoaptelor tale... doresc sa traduceti acest poem in asa fel incit mesajul sa ramina nealterat chiar daca forma sufera unele mici modificari.multumesc Completed translations Love poem ПоÑма о любви | |
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334 Source language Blandeur by Kay Ryan: Poetry Kay Ryan
If it please God, let less happen. Even out Earth's rondure, flatten Eiger, blanden the Grand Canyon. Make valleys slightly higher, widen fissures to arable land, remand your terrible glaciers and silence their calving, halving or doubling all geographical features toward the mean. Unlean against our hearts. Withdraw your grandeur from these parts. Une amie m'a parler de ce poème et de son auteur, elle m'a conseiller de lire celui-là . J'ai un niveau trop faible en anglais pour le comprendre alors je fais appelle à des experts comme vous ^^. Je vous remercie Completed translations Fadeur par Kay Ryan: Poésie | |
217 Source language nouveau monde Je vis dans un nouveau monde Qui a perdu tout sentiment Je vis dans ce nouveau monde L'amour n'est plus que néant Civilisation Communication Alimentation Intoxication Retrouver les émotions Perdues dans la révolution De ce nouveau monde idéal Ce nouveau monde est digital Completed translations Eu vivo em um mundo novo... | |
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45 Source language Drink Russian, drive German, wear Italian, kiss... Drink Russian, drive German, wear Italian, kiss French Words to live by. ;> Completed translations Bea ruseÅŸte, condu nemÅ£eÅŸte, îmbracă-te italieneÅŸte, sărută... Buvez russe, conduisez allemand, ... Rus gibi.. si te jesh Bevi russo... Trinken Sie russisch, fahren Sie deutsch, kleiden Sie sich italienisch an, Küssen Sie französisch Пей руÑÑкое, разъезжай на немецком, ноÑи итальÑнÑкое, целуй французÑкое Пий руÑко, карай немÑко, ноÑи италианÑко, целувай по френÑки како да бидеш | |
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228 Source language Correo a profesor de universidad Buenas tardes. Me llamo Francisco Perez, soy alumno de la asignatura 'ARCHIETETTURA DEI SISTEMI INTEGRATI I' no puedo asistir a las siguientes clases por enfermedad hasta despues de navidad. ¿PodrÃa explicarme el trabajo obligatorio que debemos realizar?
Muchas gracias. Saludos Completed translations Lettera al professore universitario | |
425 Source language HOW DO I KNOW IF I'M IN AN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP ... HOW DO I KNOW IF I'M IN AN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP DOES YOUR PARTNER: Humiliate, embarrass, ridicule or put you down in public or private? Attempt to separate you from your family and friends? Blame you for all problems in the relationship? Control all finances in the household? Deny you access to money or insist that you account for every penny you spend? Prevent you from going to temple if an argument or fight has occurred Always check up on you to see where you go and what you do I wrote this page and would like it traslated into Albanian Completed translations Si ta di nëse jam në një lidhje abuzive... Kako da znam da li sam u nasilnoj vezi? | |
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212 Source language yeter!!! yeter artık yeter görmüyor musun halimi?bir ölüyüm ben! rahat bırak artık beni,deşme yaramı,yıllar sonra acıtma yine içimi!bütün sözlerimi bozdum,tıpkı senin gibi!sen yaşadın ama ben öldüm şimdi bir melek var yanımda dön dünyana bırak beni karanlıkta. Completed translations Enough!! Riittää!! | |
355 Source language Estate, sei calda come i baci che ho perduto Sei... Estate, sei calda come i baci che ho perduto Sei piena di un amore che ho passato E il cuore mio vorrebbe cancelare Estate, il sole che ogni giorno ci scaldava Che splendidi tramonti dipingeva Adesso brucia solo con furor E tornerá un altro inverno Cadranno mille petali di rose E forse un po di pace tornerá La estate, che ha dato il suo profumo ad ogni fiore La estate che ha creati il nostro amore Per farmi poi morire de dolore. Completed translations Verano, eres caliente como los besos que he perdido | |
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150 Source language Plovdiv Пловдив Ñвиква общо Ñъбрание на акционерите Ñи на 14 март тази година. То ще Ñ‚Ñ€Ñбва да глаÑува предложените промени в Ñъвета на директорите на дружеÑтвото, който в момента е петчленен Completed translations Plovdiv | |