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Translation - English-Czech - "download video" text

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Category Web-site / Blog / Forum - Computers / Internet

"download video" text
Submitted by siderisng
Source language: English

download video
download youtube videos
Direct Download
Paste a YouTube video link and click the download video button.
Tick the Direct Download box to start download immediately.
Free FLV player
Free online FLV Converter
Now click this link to download video
Remarks about the translation
french in france

"stahování videa"

Translated by SirMarius
Target language: Czech

stáhnout video
stáhnout youTube videa
Přímé stahování
Vložte odkaz na YouTube video a klikněte na tlačítko "stáhnout video"
Označte kolonku Přímé stahování pro okamžité zahájení stahování
FLV Player zdarma
FLV Converter zdarma online
Nyní klikněte na tento odkaz pro stahování videa
Remarks about the translation
Player is "přehrávač" in czech, but czech people use the word "player" more often
Validated by artingraph - 27 February 2009 21:34