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10Translation - Italian-English - mantenersi puro, l'unica cosa importante è...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: ItalianEnglishGreekLatin

Category Poetry - Arts / Creation / Imagination

mantenersi puro, l'unica cosa importante è...
Submitted by Mzungu
Source language: Italian

mantenersi puro, l'unica cosa importante è mentenersi puro
Remarks about the translation
Mantenersi puro è inteso nel senso di icontaminato, restare fedeli verso se stessi e non in senso religioso.

Keep oneself pure

Translated by kiss_anto
Target language: English

Keep oneself pure, the only important thing is keeping oneself pure
Validated by lilian canale - 9 March 2009 17:30