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Translation - Bulgarian-English - Живей сегарзащото вчера няма да се върнера утре...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: BulgarianEnglishChinese simplified

Category Thoughts

This translation request is "Meaning only".
Живей сегарзащото вчера няма да се върнера утре...
Submitted by lqlqlq93
Source language: Bulgarian

Живей сега,защото вчера няма да се върне,а утре може и да не дойде
Remarks about the translation
za tattoos

Live now for yesterday won't come back

Translated by ViaLuminosa
Target language: English

Live now for yesterday won't come back and tomorrow might never come.
Validated by lilian canale - 10 January 2010 00:43