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Original text - Latin - In oppido graecorum statuae multae sunt.

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Category Free writing

In oppido graecorum statuae multae sunt.
Text to be translated
Submitted by ceciliaa:)
Source language: Latin

In oppido graecorum statuae multae sunt.
Remarks about the translation
<hw>100114/ pias</hw>

Edits done ("graecum" --> "Graecorum") on notif. from Aneta.

multa --> multae <Aneta B.>
Edited by Aneta B. - 19 January 2010 22:39

Last messages


7 January 2010 18:24

Aneta B.
Number of messages: 4487
graecum --> Graecorum" or "Graeco"

Moreover, it is a homework!