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Translation - Russian-English - Любовные узы

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Category Letter / Email - Daily life

Любовные узы
Submitted by AlexandraSheremett
Source language: Russian

В прошлом письме ты написал, что у тебя проблемы с девушкой, что она к тебя охладела. Я бы хотела дать тебя несколько советов, друг.
Такое случается, ведь ты с Дианой уже 2 года вместе. Если ты ей дорожишь, то должен ее отпустить, если не навсегда, то на некоторое время. Если она тебя действительно любит, то вернется, а если нет, то ты не переживай, на твоем пути будет еще много прекрасный девушек:) Не забывай и обо мне, братишка, пиши чаще.
Ждем тебя с родителями в гости на каникулах!

Love ties

Translated by duhifat
Target language: English

In the last letter you wrote that you have problems with your girl, that she became cold to you. I would like to give you some advice, my friend.
These things happen, you have already been together with Diana for 2 years. If you cherish her, then you need to let her go, if not forever, then for a while. If she really loves you, she will come back and if not, then don't worry, on your way there will be many other wonderful girls :) Don't forget about me, brother, write more often.
We are waiting for you and your parents to visit on the vacation!
Validated by lilian canale - 23 May 2012 15:50

Last messages


21 May 2012 16:23

Number of messages: 34
This is too literal translation. Of course, I take into notice that the original text is not composed in good quality. I would suggest to render that letter as given below. As well, I ask you to review the original text, as in one place the recipient is called as friend ("друг", but at the end of the letter he is called "dear brother, buddy" ("братишка".

Last time you had written that you have problems with girlfriend, as she became cold to you. It is why I am about to give you some advice, my friend.
It is natural that these things happened, as you have already been together with Diana for 2 years. If you really are fond of her, you should let her go, be it for some time, not forever.
Believe me, if she really loves you, she will come back. If she doesn't, you have no reasons to worry about, as there will be many beautiful girls on your way Don't forget about me, buddy, please, write me more often.
We are looking forwards to seeing you again together with parents on vacation!

21 May 2012 16:41

Number of messages: 14
Hey Durklis
I was trying to be as authentic to the original as possible. Your translation is more "free" and you take the liberty to change the tone of writing, which I was trying to keep.
I honestly don't think it's our role as translators to intervene with the manner and character of the writing itself. Of course we must correct grammatical mistakes etc., but if someone writes with slang we should keep the same nature of this exact writing.
For example:
В прошлом письме ты написал
Last time you had written
In the last letter you wrote

This is not taking it too literally. It is an exact authentic translation. And so on and on...

This is how I see professional translation. We must remain neutral and not intervene even when we think the quality of writing should be better.

Thank you