He wants to sleep now. - Øll mál
Il voudrait dormir maintenant.
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He wants to sleep now.
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Ð¡ÐµÐ¹Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ð¾Ð½ хочет Ñпать.
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Er möchte jetzt schlafen.
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On chce spać teraz.
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El vrea să doarmă acum.
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O ÅŸimdi uyumak ister
o=he/she/it/that, ÅŸimdi=now, uyu=sleep, uyumak=to sleep, iste=want, ister=he/she/it wants
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Lui vuole dormire adesso.
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Hän haluaa nukkua (nyt).
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