Cucumis - خدمة الترجمة المجانية على الخط
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صندوق الوارد - Aneta B.

نتائج121- 140على مجموع تقريبا189
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25 كانون الاول 2009 09:40  

عدد الرسائل: 261
Hi Aneta, how are you?

Seeing that nobody translates the following
Latin sentence into Hebrew, would it be posible for you to provide me with a bridge in English?

Ego sum Vox Libertatis, Lux Veritas lux mea.


26 كانون الاول 2009 18:10  

عدد الرسائل: 261
Aneta, thank you so much!

Have a nice week!


26 كانون الاول 2009 23:37  

عدد الرسائل: 77
Hej :*

A dziekuje, bardzo dobrze, rodzinnie i sympatycznie. Jednak nie obejdzie sie bez pracy. W poniedzialek wieczorem przylatuje do Polski i jak tylko z niej wroce w styczniu to mam 5 egzaminow, ktore liczÄ… sie do mojej matury. Takze troche trzeba zacisnac pasa i uczyc sie
A jak u Ciebie? Jak tam plany na Sylwestra?
Pozdrawiam Cie serdecznie ;*

7 كانون الثاني 2010 06:09  

عدد الرسائل: 261
Thank you so much, Aneta! That was a great help.
Our troubles, though, are not over yet. The author continues in the difficult, abbreviated style for a few more passages, afterwards he "repents" and returns to a more lucid and understandable (and for me decipherable) mode.
I hope I can continue to rely on you.


7 كانون الثاني 2010 12:10  

عدد الرسائل: 77
Czesc Anetko ;*;*
Wszystkiego dobrego w Nowym Roku !!!
Co tam u Ciebie slychac? Jak sie bawiłas w Sylwestra? Mam nadzieje, że szampańsko
Ja własnie wróciłam z Polskii jestem bardzo zadowolona
Trzymaj sie ;*

12 كانون الثاني 2010 13:54  

عدد الرسائل: 3389

13 كانون الثاني 2010 06:31  

عدد الرسائل: 261
Good Morning, Aneta!

We are not necessary looking for the word "prophecy". In 1 Corinthians, chapter 10 the Exodus from Egypt is interpreted figuratively as foretelling Christ and Christianity (verse 6 and 11 use the word "example" - King James Version - instead of "figure", but that is what is meant). This is the meaning of figurative interpretation, relating to past events as foretelling future events, or as Tostado defines it: Prophecy through facts (deeds or events), as opposed to prophecy through words.It seems that Tostado proves his thesis from this chapter b/c of its explicit use of the word "example" - from here he proves that the events of the OT foreshadow the NT (a matter of great contention between Jews and Christians through the ages, of course).
The explanation for his use of the number "10" (and not X) is that he is not Roman, but Spanish, and he therefore uses the signs introduced by the Arabs, who conquered Spain some 700 years before.

16 كانون الثاني 2010 13:30  

عدد الرسائل: 1015
Oh, Aneta, I'm so busy! I had an exam on December and now I've got two big exams next week and on February - they are my last two!
My "Laurea" was on December 2008 and it was just the first (after 3 years of university). Now I'm working hard for the two "specialistic" years : I should have my second (and last, fortunately) laurea on July.
So I will be "out of service" until 10 February. Now I'm studying Egyptology and I've got all those pharao's names to remember...

Sorry for having left you alone!

28 كانون الثاني 2010 17:26  

عدد الرسائل: 261
By the way, you have no idea how much I appreciate your help. Had I payed for these services, it would have costed me thousands of zloty's (!), money that I don't even have, and now I get it all for free, by the help of friendly people. Cucumis is for me a nothing less than a miracle. And when you have a chance to help other people back, the feeling becomes even better.

30 كانون الثاني 2010 15:17  

عدد الرسائل: 4611
Dear one. Thanks for all your advices. I have Pia, you, Ernst and Italo as neighbours. What concerns
thee ponits I can collect on the right I'll h&ve a look .

Have milked the cow.

17 شباط 2010 05:52  

عدد الرسائل: 261
Aneta, how would you translate the following line:

Ufam Bogu i on musi o tym wiedzieć

8 أفريل 2010 22:28  

casper tavernello
عدد الرسائل: 5057

12 أفريل 2010 08:40  

casper tavernello
عدد الرسائل: 5057
Anytime. =)

28 أفريل 2010 11:42  

عدد الرسائل: 4611

15 نيسان 2010 20:05  

عدد الرسائل: 18
I thank you so much for the meaning of "non voce colitur" - it suits with perfection! Kind regards from Narcisa

19 نيسان 2010 22:24  

عدد الرسائل: 493
About the text I put on standy... Whenever you have solved the issue with it, you may take it from standby and send it back for translation if it meets the cucumis criteria (same with any text on standby for that matter). It doesn't necessarily have to be me. Anyone can do that. Just wanted to make sure you knew, in case you didn't :P

9 ايار 2010 22:49  

عدد الرسائل: 1
Witam !
Dziekuje za odpowiedz. A czy poprawnie w pisowni to jest zlozone? bez jakichs tam dodatkow do literek? bo ja dostalem jeszcze jedna propozcyje czy moze Pani sprawdzic poprawnosc tego doslownie z j. polskiego
SÓ PERANTE DEUS CAIREI DE JOELHOS . I tez czy w pismie jest dobrze. Z gory dziekuje

14 ايار 2010 18:33  

عدد الرسائل: 4611
I'm okay. Missing you but try to stay as much as possible with F. But now I'll try to be back again every day. Have told him I missed my friends, you and too much.
He is still at home for the next 2 weeks so have to do with. he's a bit better now. Love and hugs
from your cucu-Mum who misses you.

21 ايار 2010 20:21  

عدد الرسائل: 464
Google can be funny sometimes, the automatic translation service made you an "Expert assistent - Swimming Pools"
("pools" is dutch for "polish" haha)


9 تموز 2010 13:53  

عدد الرسائل: 1015
Hey Aneta!
We have no more Latin translations to evaluate!
We are a great team!!

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