Hi, Pias. This doesn't make sense in Latin. You have two verbs in present tense. From what I understand from sajmon's comment, this should be "I fly with my own wings". If this is the english translation from swedish, then there are a lot of mistakes in Latin and you should edit them.
Sajmon, could you confirm if the english is ok?
Hi charisgre! This is a bit embarrassing, since I'm NOT good at latin and don't know how to edit it right, sorry!
(I shoud not have done this translation at all)
Maybe you should reject it and let someone else do this translation.
Hi to both of you. Pias, I didn't know is your first here and, as you can see, you weren't so far from the correct form. Just a little mistake . I think you shoul try to make other translations too. Sajmon, now it is ok.