Traducerea - Daneză-Engleză - UV-Desinfection -2Status actual Traducerea
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| | | Limba sursă: Daneză
Den traditionelle lavtrykslampe skader kun DNA-et ved absorption af monokromatisk UV-lys med en bølgelængde pÃ¥ 254 nm (maksimal absorption af DNA finder sted mellem 260 og 265 nm). Generelt bruger mikroorganismer en reparationsmetode, som udføres af enzymer og andre biomolekyler. Reparationen kan foregÃ¥ under pÃ¥virkning af lys (fotoaktivering) eller i mørke (mørk reparation). MultiWave-lamperne fra Berson med sit brede spekter af bølgelængder, ødelægger ikke bare DNA, men ogsÃ¥ RNA, proteiner, enzymer og andre biomolekyler. PÃ¥ grund af den høje tæthed af fotoner som lamperne genererer, kan flere forskellige molekyler samtidig blive pÃ¥virket i løbet af en meget kort eksponeringstid. Reaktivering er umulig: Deaktiveringen er total og permanent. Opholdstid Den fotokemiske prosess, som UV-lyset fra MultiWave-lamperne forÃ¥rsager i mikroorganismerne foregÃ¥r i løbet af brøkdele af et sekund. „Tiden", som mikroorganismen opholder sig i bestrÃ¥lingskammeret i et InLine system, er altid meget længere end den tid, som behøves for at disse fotokemiske reaktioner kan finde sted. Dette betyder, at hele den korte opholdstid væsken har i bestrÃ¥lingskammeret i et InLine system, er mere end tilstrækkelig til at opnÃ¥ den ønskede desinfektion. Bersons MultiWave-lamper har en meget høj tæthed af fotoner, med andre ord en ekstrem høj UV-energi, som overskrider den nødvendige energi, man behøver for enhver af disse reaktioner. Forskning har vist, at en kort periode med intens UV-behandling er mere effektiv end en lang behandling med lavere intensitet (Bunsen og Ruscoes lov). Berson - en mester pÃ¥ UV I mere end 25 Ã¥r har Berson specialiseret sig i udvikling og produktion af udstyr med ultraviolet lys til desinfektion af vand, luft og overflader. Denne UV-behandlingsteknik garanterer optimal desinfektion, er meget pÃ¥lidelig og er miljømæssig sikker. Berson InLine er en serie med kraftige desinfektionssystemer for væsker. InLines unikke design sørger for optimal desinfektionseffektivitet med et meget lavt tryktab. Passende til behandling af alle typer væsker har Berson InLine serien unikke valgmuligheder for optimal ydelse. Hundredevis af InLine er i drift InLine bruges til desinficering af afløbsvand, drikkevand og fremstilling af ultrarent vand samt til destruktion af kemiske mikroforureninger med UV-oxydation. InLine bruges i bryggerier, farmaceutisk, kosmetisk, elektronisk industri, akvakultur, fiskeindustri og svømmebassiner. Vi har leveret mere end hundrede InLine-anlæg, og tilbyder komplette løsninger med forbehandling og fuld installation med driftsgaranti. Alle vore installationer bliver planlagt, projekteret og bygget i tæt samarbejde med den enkelte kunde. Vores hovedkompetance indenfor UV og lange erfaring i at bygge tekniske anlæg, har som mÃ¥l at bidrage til øget kvalitet, sikker drift og bedre økonomi. Vi udarbejder dokumentation af tekniske forhold, og arbejder i henhold til de højeste kvalitetsnormer. | Observaţii despre traducere | Any English, I doubt the tehnical English differs so much. |
 Traducere respinsă | | TraducereaEngleză Tradus de Polio1 | Limba ţintă: Engleză
The traditional low power light only damages the DNA when absorbed by monochromatic UV-light with a wavelength of 254 nm (maximal absorption of DNA is between 260 and 265 nm). Generally, microorganisms use a reparation method, done by enzymes and other biomolecules. The reparation can be done when affected by light (photo activating) or in the dark (dark repararation). The Multi Wave-lamps from Berson with its broad spread of wavelengths, does not destroy only DNA, but also RNA, proteins, enzymes and other biomolecules. Because of the high closeness of photons the lamp generates, more molecules that are different also are affected in a short period of time. Reactivating is impossible: The deactivating is total and permanent. Break time The photochemical process that the UV-light from the Multi Wave-lamps cause in the microorganisms are done in a fraction of a second: “The time", that the microorganisms stay in the irradiating place in an InLine system, is always very much longer than the time that is needed for these photochemical reactions to take place. This means that this very short break the fluid has in the irradiating place in an InLine system is more than enough to get the wanted disinfection. Bersons Multi Wave-lamps have a very high closeness of photons, in other words an incredibly high UV-energy, which goes over the needed energy we need for all of these reactions. Research has proven that a short period of intense UV-treatment is more effective than a long treatment with low intensity (Bunsen and Ruscoes law). Berson - a master of UV In more than 25 years Berson has specialized in the development and production of equipment with ultraviolet light for disinfection of water, air, and surfaces. This UV-treatment-technique guarantees optimal disinfection, is very sufficient, and is safe for the nature. Berson InLine is a series of powerful disinfection systems for fluids. InLine’s unique design makes an optimal disinfection efficiency with a very low pressure loss. Fitting to treatment of all types of fluids, the Berson InLine series has a unique choice possibility for optimal benefit. Hundreds of InLine are in use InLine is used for disinfection of sewer-water, drinking-water, and making of extremely clear water and also destruction of chemical micro pollution with UV-oxidation. InLine is used in breweries, pharmacies, cosmetics, electronic industry, aquaculture, fishing industry and swimming pools. We've delivered more than a hindered InLine-construction, and we give complete solutions with preparation and full installation with a guarantee. All our installations get planned, projected, and built in a nice cooperation with our customers. Our main competence within UV and a long experience in building technical constructions, we have a goal for helping with raising the quality level, safe use, and better economy. We make documentations of technical cases, and work with high quality.
| Observaţii despre traducere | I did my best. I think it is quite good. =D
You did well. A few small mistakes which I have corrected.
David (dramati) |
Respins de către cucumis - 11 Decembrie 2007 14:10
Ultimele mesaje | | | | | 27 Noiembrie 2007 09:06 | | | "brede spekter af bølgelængder" can not be translated by "broad spread of wavelengths ". It means actually "broad wavelength spectrum".
Than comes this phrase: "The fotochemic process, that the UV-light from the MultiWave-lamps cause in the microorganisms are done in a fraction of a secong." First the term is "photochemical" and not "fotochemic" which is an English adaptation of the Danish word, than it is "second" not "secong".
Than comes "Vi har leveret mere end hundrede InLine-anlæg" where "anlæg" can not be translatde by "construction", more likely by "sistem" or "mounting".
And this is only what I could see using my rather poor Danish knowledge. | | | 26 Noiembrie 2007 21:35 | | | Would it be too much to ask for a little help here, guys? I really need this at work. CC: Anita_Luciano wkn | | | 10 Decembrie 2007 06:07 | |  cucumis Numărul mesajelor scrise: 3785 | Hi,
Can we double check this translation because Iepurica posted about many errors in it.
Actually the text is maybe good english but it's a technical translation and only specialist can translate/evaluate it. Maybe the best solution is to reject it.
PS : polio1, you are 12 years old, I know you try to do your best but this kind of technical translation should be done by more experimented people.
Iepurica, for this kind of technical request, I would add in the comments that only mature people with a knowledge in chemistry translate it.
CC: Anita_Luciano dramati wkn | | | 10 Decembrie 2007 09:21 | |  dramatiNumărul mesajelor scrise: 972 | I think you are correct. The English is quite good and understandable...the actual translation from one language into another in terms of technical information would definately require that it be gone over by an expert in industrial electronics, if indeed we have one. How do we go about finding someone in our lists of experts? Put it out in English to English with a note that we need an electrical engineer to go over it for flaws?
David | | | 10 Decembrie 2007 09:25 | |  cucumis Numărul mesajelor scrise: 3785 | Well there is not a way to search such members because we don't as this kind of inof in the user profile.
Polio1, I'm sorry but we'll have to reject your translation to give the chance to a specialist. | | | 10 Decembrie 2007 14:43 | | | sorry that I haven´t replied to this request before, I have been rather busy lately with my translation work (which is good). This translation really does need quite a lot of corrections and adjustments... not that it´s bad, it´s just not very faithful to the choice of wording in the original.
Should I give it a shot (with my corrections) or do you want to reject the whole thing? | | | 11 Decembrie 2007 08:54 | | | Yeap, it was also my fault I did not add anything in the remarks field, next time I'll know how to proceed. On the other hand, it doesn't have to be an expert in industrial electronics, it is enough if there is someone who has some degree of tehnical knowledge. For example, the first part of the text has been translated by Bhatarsaigh and it is quite good.
If you ask me, I would reject it and give somebody else a possibility to do a better translation.
PS. Thanks for the reply, anita. | | | 11 Decembrie 2007 14:11 | |  cucumis Numărul mesajelor scrise: 3785 | OK, I've decided to reject it according to all the opinions I had here.
I'm sorry Polio1 because it was certainly a lot of effort. |
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