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14Fordítás - Portugál-Angol - Eu anseio por te conhecer Eu anseio por te...

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Ez a szöveg rendelkezésre àll a következő nyelveken : PortugálAngolNémet

Témakör Költészet - Szeretet / Baràtsàg

Eu anseio por te conhecer Eu anseio por te...
Ajànlo Sweet Dreams
Nyelvröl forditàs: Portugál

Eu anseio por te conhecer
Eu anseio por te abraçar
Eu anseio para que me ouças mesmo que estejas do outro lado do mundo.
Eu anseio por te ver, ouvir, sentir, partilhar contigo os meus sentimentos mais fortes
e reais.
Anseio por te cheirar, porque esse aroma que tens é único e especial.
Anseio por muita coisa que não se pode realizar
mas que eu sempre posso sonhar!
Pelos meus sonhos mais profundos, como conhecer-te e saber quem és
e estar ao pé de ti, sentir o teu calor e beijar-te como nunca beijei ninguém.
Por isso eu anseio, mas infelizmente anseio pelo que não se pode realizar...
Anseio pelo teu olhar carinhoso e sensível que tu tens.
Anseio pela palavra "amo-te"
Anseio por ti
Amor do meu coração, que já tem dono. Uma pessoa que não conheço pessoalmente, mas conheço-a pelo meu coração...

I yearn to know you...I yearn for [you]...

Forditva Triton21 àltal
Forditando nyelve: Angol

I yearn to know you
I yearn to embrace you
I yearn for you to hear me even if you are on the other side of the world.
I yearn to see you, hear you, feel you, share my strongest and most real feelings with you.
I yearn to smell you, because that fragrance of yours is unique and special.
I yearn for many things that cannot come true
but I can always dream!
For my most profound dreams, like meeting you and knowing who you are
and to be at your feet, feel your warmth and kiss you like I've never kissed.
For that I yearn, but unfortunately I yearn for what cannot come true...
I yearn for that loving and sensible glance that you have.
I yearn for the words "I love you"
I yearn for you
Love of my heart, that already has an owner. A person that I do not know personally, but I do, through my heart...
Validated by lilian canale - 1 Àprilis 2008 14:55

Legutolsó üzenet


23 Március 2008 01:46

Hozzászólások száma: 226
I long to know you
I long to hug you
I yearn that your hear are mine even that you are from another side of the world.
I long to see you, to hear, to feel, to share with you my strongest feelings
and reals.
I long to smell you, because this fragrance what you have is the only and special.
I yearn for great thing that it is not possible to carry out
but I can always dream!
For my most deep dreams, like you to know and to know who am I
and to be near you, to feel your heat and to kiss you as never before I kissed nobody.
Therefore I yearn, but unfortunately I yearn for what it is not possible to carry out...
I yearn for your affectionate and sensitive glance you have.
Longing for the word " I love you "
I yearn for you
Love in my heart , already has owner. A person whom I do not know personally, but I know it with my heart...

23 Március 2008 01:47

Sweet Dreams
Hozzászólások száma: 2202
Arcobaleno if you want to translate my text, please clic on "translate (english)"

23 Március 2008 13:42

Hozzászólások száma: 3785
She can't translate into english (target language limitation). Don't remember exactly why she was limited (that's why I'm putting goncin and Francky in CC). The problem is that arcobaleno is loving too much languages .
acrobaleno, I don't think it's a good think to submit your translations this way. Maybe you could translate some english texts (not sure of your english level, that's why I'm putting Kaf in CC), but the problem is you have to learn to submit only when you are 100% sure. Rejected translations are authorized, nobody is perfect, but too many would hurt the quality of the service.

CC: arcobaleno ViaLuminosa Francky5591 goncin kafetzou

23 Március 2008 14:09

Hozzászólások száma: 12396
Well, arcobaleno had 15 rejected translations into English, 15 rejected translations into Bulgarian as well ( 3 into Russian, 6 into Italian, 1 into French and 1 into Danish), which makes 41 rejected translations, but she's still got more than 11000 points in validated translations, which means she translated a lot here on

23 Március 2008 14:36

Hozzászólások száma: 226
Francky5591, If you can see, most of my rejected translations into Bulgarian are for just one word..(more of them for word asking from administrator..) doesn't matter..
Into Italian are rejected because I am not native Italian..(but..there was no clause for this before I made my translation..) doesn't matter too.. tell the truth..I do not want to give up
So..I prefer to give away all my points for next translations in other languages

23 Március 2008 22:53

Hozzászólások száma: 3706
jp and everyone,

arcobaleno was limited because she was caught using an automatic tool to translate into Chinese. If you do think this must be reverted, please tell me and I'll do it.

CC: Francky5591 cucumis

24 Március 2008 17:39

Hozzászólások száma: 124
I would just like to have an administrator confirm the accuracy of my translation as it appears that Brazilian Portuguese is the language that I have the most opportunities to translate to on

24 Március 2008 18:17

lilian canale
Hozzászólások száma: 14972
Hi Triton21

You have joined cucumis only a few days ago however we notice that you have been logged for quite a long time everyday.
You have also done some good translations. Your knowledge of Spanish and Portuguese seem to be well based.
Of course you have to stay with us for a little longer in order to get used to the policy of and once you understand it, I'm sure you'll be of much value for the site.
Don't think you are not being observed and your rating might show your abilities on those languages you have translated into.
We do appreciate your efforts and are satisfied about your work.
Keep always improving your skills and good luck!


24 Március 2008 18:25

Hozzászólások száma: 124
Indeed, in such a short time span, I have become quite attached to the services.

It is pleasing to know that my translations thus far have been of some value, so I hope to continue helping as much as I possibly can.

Thank you very much for the recognition, Lilly.

31 Március 2008 07:49

lilian canale
Hozzászólások száma: 14972
OK Triton, now let's start talking about your version for the translation.

We have a few adjustments to do.

"I yearn for you to hear me even though you are from the other side of the world." should read:

I yearn for you to hear me even being/if you are on the other side of the world.

"...because that fragrance that you have..."

is too literal, perhaps it would sound better:

"because that fragrance of yours" or "for your scent", something like that.

... and to be at your feet

... like I've never kissed...

I yearn for that loving and sensible glance that you have

I yearn for the words "I love you"

Someone I do not know personally, but I do, through my heart

Sometimes we have to change some words and even "improve" a bit the original text if we want a reasonably good version in English.

If you have any doubt or a different insight, please feel at ease to post it.


1 Àprilis 2008 02:53

Hozzászólások száma: 124
I have reviewed your recommendations, Lilly and I agree.

There were some instances where I thought that I should change some text, but as that was one of my very first translations, I was not sure if I had that right.

Now that I am aware, I will make those edits now.

Thank you for your help.