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16Fordítás - Angol-Arab - Oh, thank you, thank you!

Vàrakozàs alattFordítás
Ez a szöveg rendelkezésre àll a következő nyelveken : AngolArab

Témakör Beszélgetés

Oh, thank you, thank you!
Ajànlo ellasevia
Nyelvröl forditàs: Angol

Oh, thank you, thank you! I have not been able to speak with anyone in my beautiful, native Arabic for a long time now! People here say that they don't understand it, so I never can speak it with anybody. But now, it is just simply flowing out through my mouth like a waterfall. As you saw, my Greek is only so-so and my Finnish and Swedish are almost nonexistent. Well anyway, you wanted 5:45 in the morning for your wake-up call? Okay, good. I will tell the front desk. If you need anything just pick up the telephone, okay? Good. Good night now! Bye!
Magyaràzat a forditàshoz
Please provide the transliteration (pronunciation) for the Arabic as well.
Standard Arabic

أوه شكراً شكراً!

Forditva elmota àltal
Forditando nyelve: Arab

أوه شكراً شكراً! لم يكن باستطاعتي أن أتحدّث بلهجتي العربية الجميلة لوقت مضى! الناس هناك يقولون أنهم لا يفهمونها, لذا لا يمكنني التحدث بها مع أحد. أما الآن, انها تنساب ببساطة من فمي مثل الشلال. كما رأيت, لغتي اليونانية ليست قوية و الفنلندية و السويدية تقريباً معدومتان. على أية حال, أردت مكالمة المنبّه الصباحي الساعة 5:45؟ حسناً, هذا جيّد. سأعلم مكتب الاستقبال. إن أردت أي شيء فقط ارفع الهاتف, مفهوم؟ جيّد. ليلة سعيدة! وداعاً!
Validated by B. Trans - 17 Május 2008 22:55

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17 Május 2008 15:19

Hozzászólások száma: 744
hmm, thats a lot of pronunciation to include, why? i mean the guy who is going to use that paragraph already knows arabic, or am i jumping to conclusions

17 Május 2008 15:39

Hozzászólások száma: 145
I'm using it for a story and including the pronunciation of the Arabic instead of the Arabic itself. The person who is speaking it in the story speaks Arabic, but I don't and most of the people reading the story will want to know how it is pronounced as well (instead of seeing the Arabic script--one which most of the readers likely cannot read).

18 Május 2008 00:38

Hozzászólások száma: 145
Sorry if it sounds like I am being rude and demanding, but could someone who knows Arabic give me the transliteration/pronunciation of the Arabic? Thanks.

18 Május 2008 04:40

Hozzászólások száma: 744
sure here it is, but you might wanna know that not all letters can be found in English, and this is standard arabic that cannot be "not understood by people there" if u are referring to a slang dialect, you gotta request a new translation asking for that dielect and in slang language.
oh shokran shokran! lam yakun bestita'atee an atahaddath bilahjati al arabiyya al jameela liwaqtin mada! Al nass honak yaquloona annahom la yafhamunaha, litha la yomkinani attahadduthu biha ma' ahad. Amma alaan, innaha tansabu bibasata min famee mithl al shallal. Kama ra2ayt, lughatee al yoonaniyya laysat qaweyya wal finlandiyya wal sowaydiyya taqreeban ma'doomatan. Ala ayyati hal, aradta mokalamat al monabbeh al sabahi al sa'a 5:45? hassanan, hatha jayyed. sa'olimu maktabul estiqbal. In aradta ayyu shay'in faqat erfa'al hattef, mafhoom? jayyed. Layla sa'eedah! wada'an!

18 Május 2008 18:08

Hozzászólások száma: 145
thanks so much!!!