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Traduction - no me quieres para abrir tu buchecha jueves no... (Espagnol)

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29 Juin 2007 18:58  

Nombre de messages: 7963
What does "No me quieres lo suficiente como para abrirme tu boca" mean?

You don't love me enough for me to open your mouth? What??

29 Juin 2007 19:00  

Nombre de messages: 3706

Je ne crois pas ainsi. «Buchecha» n'est pas dérivé de "bucha" en Portugais. (M'excuse par mon pauvre Français).

29 Juin 2007 19:33  

Nombre de messages: 1549
After your message, kafetzou, I think that I may have mistaken the first sentence. But now I have no idea what it means.

29 Juin 2007 19:54  

Nombre de messages: 8
Merci Goncin,
je ne pensais pas au sens direct, mais je me disais qu'il avait peut-être voulu le "transformer" en un mot espagnol (comme le reste)... ce n'est absolument pas de l'espagnol.
Bref, il y a encore la solution du nom propre, car Buchecha existe, mais la phrase n'a pas de sens.

29 Juin 2007 23:24  

Nombre de messages: 115
"no me quieres para abrir tu buchecha"

Julieta, ta, ta me chamando...

I think guilon is right.


30 Juin 2007 00:42  

Nombre de messages: 12396
Yes, I also definitely think guilon deciphered this hardly understandable text.
kafetzou, "para abrir tu bucheta" wouldn't mean "for ME to open your mouth", but simply "to open your mouth"(she's a big girl now, she can open it by herself!)

30 Juin 2007 12:11  

Nombre de messages: 8
Pour moi, "buchecha" n'a pas de rapport avec "boca"... à la rigueur avec "bocha" (bouchée en portugais je crois) mais avec "bouche" je n'y crois pas....

30 Juin 2007 12:21  

Nombre de messages: 1
il est fort probable que le texte ait un sens "sexuel" parce que celui qui m'a envoyé le message avait envie d'un rapport avec moi le jeudi même.

30 Juin 2007 13:01  

Nombre de messages: 12396
Marianne, you were right, for the translation you did into French letting this word as it was in the original text, because a word that doesn't exist doesn't have to be translated.

Let's don't forget this is a "meaning only" translation, so we shouldn't have to look for an accurate translation as if it was submitted in the regular translation mode and in a correct way in Spanish.

But if this word has got a sexual connotation, it remains that the closest meaning might be "boca".

I validated the translation into French Marianne did, so that the English one could keep this word "buchecha"as it is as well,
and about the rest of the text, as it was as unclear as this word "buchecha" could be, it is literaly translated and I think these translations are as good as they could be, according to the hasardous way the original text was writen.

I let some notes under the last English translation which was done, in order to edit the translation to the closest meaning we succeeded to get with the French translation.

I hope you're satisfied with the work we did, minivaness, and that you are aware we did the best we could according to the sloppy text you submitted to translation.
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