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| 29 Temmuz 2007 14:29 |
| No, not an expression
my father is tired of the belgian weather, so we going to book our holiday tomorrow ! ^^
and then it would take even longer, because every sentence has it's grammatical mistakes!
and I already did like 30 sentences, all had to be corrected, and I didn't do it ^^ |
| 29 Temmuz 2007 14:59 |
| and what about the picture I told about?
i want to update a new picture
but it doesn't show up
| 30 Temmuz 2007 07:37 |
| Ok Francky, I'll send to him translation.  |
| 30 Temmuz 2007 14:05 |
| Bonjour Francky,
je viens de me rendre compte que plus j'ai de traductions acceptées en turc plus ma note baisse, depuis hier 5 ont été acceptées et je suis donc descendue à 3,5, je trouve cela un peu étrange. Comprends tu comment cela est possible? et si oui pourrais tu me l'expliquer? Il est vrai que ce ne sont que des petites traductions mais si elles sont justes il n'y a aucune raison que la note baisse.
à bientôt
| 31 Temmuz 2007 19:04 |
| It was. (but I don't think the pic is real)
Here |
| 31 Temmuz 2007 21:14 |
| Francky,
I saw that you had been discussing the kurdish translation with 'goran g'.
He is very new and I can't read kurdish, do you have any knowledge of kurdish? |
| 1 Ağustos 2007 00:19 |
| Oh. Tafnes' a person name.
When their site was loading, I thought they were a bunch of psychedelic people, but when the music started to play: uh-uh, no way.
I'll try to communicate with them.
I think the only way is transliterating this one. |
| 1 Ağustos 2007 00:29 |
| Thank You Francky5591!!!
God bless you!!!
| 1 Ağustos 2007 13:26 |
| pff! chinese is bloody difficult
I'll be glad when my course starts ^^ then I get descend information,, now I am stuyding chinese from 3 different books.. ^_^
5 days before holiday!
N. |
| 2 Ağustos 2007 17:52 |
| Francky,
About this, I can tell you I'm in the same situation, although I'm a bit younger (32 yo). Almost all I know of foreign languages I got the self-learning way; I never travelled outside of Brazil, nor even travelled by plane.
Exceptions are: a summer course of Spanish (January 2006) and.. aham... 3 unfinished months, once-a-week French course
Still about my French... my home was also full of books. One of them was my mother's French book, which she used in school (when French was still teached in schools, by the 60's). It was my first approach to the Victor Hugo's language. |
| 2 Ağustos 2007 20:04 |
| Francky!
I saw your comment regarding pornografic content in texts. In the scandinavian countries we do not have that kind of legislation and I think that this could be truly worth somekind of general consensus taken from JP and administrators. Maybe also a discussion in the forum to inform experts and administrators of general point of view.
The meaning of "pornographic content" is also of interest I think! |
| 2 Ağustos 2007 21:29 |
| One of the reasons for me to start such a discussion on the forum that time is exactly this thing of parental care.
An open site like this must be very careful with the 'weight' of its contents.
But anyway you go you can see pornography and obscenity. As I said: why hide humanity away from humans.
Check this out!
| 4 Ağustos 2007 11:48 |
| Good afternoon Francky!
I've been collecting and translating a lot of latin quotes and I was wondering about how to start a project for gathering translations of latin quotes in all languages?
Do the language files have to be written in some programming language such as .html,UTF8 or so?
How do I add the latin expressions and sentences?
I've tried but I cannot import the text into a project it just becomes strange numbers...
Porfyhr  |
| 4 Ağustos 2007 17:11 |
| Francky,
finally I've managed to start the "Latin quotes project".
If you have time I would appreciate your review. I would also like to recieve more expressions and quotes to add, if you have some favourites you would like to add.
Porfyhr  |
| 6 Ağustos 2007 00:10 |
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| 6 Ağustos 2007 16:24 |
| 3:11 delay from the Cucumis watch. |
| 6 Ağustos 2007 16:25 |
| NO! 3:12!!!
Thank you. |
| 7 Ağustos 2007 18:42 |
| Is the name of that place: Cachoeira do Alemão.
The german guy's waterfall. |
| 7 Ağustos 2007 18:50 |
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| 8 Ağustos 2007 10:52 |
| Hello Francky! J'espere que tu vas bien
Desole du silence radio assez radical durant ces derniers mois. J'ai ete vraiment tres occupe, notamment a preparer mon demenagement aux Etats-Unis (!). Mon epouse est deja la-bas et je la rejoindrai dans quelques semaines. D'ici la, j'ai du temps pour traduire, donc me voila!
A tres bientot,
Thierry |