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| 4 Luglio 2007 12:50 |
| Merci pour ta traduction.
Je vous serai vraiment redevant si vous me traduisiez le texte suivant en tchèque.
"Bonjour Klara, le seul moyen pour t'écrire est l'allemand. J'ai réussi à trouver un site internet pour traduire tes maessages, sauf que ça prend beaucoup de temps pour avoir la traduction. Mon âge est 40 ans.
J'habite à coté de Paris. Je pense beaucoup à toi. Je pense venir à Prague vers le 12 juillet. Te verrai-je?
Connais-tu quelqu'un ou un site internet qui peut traduire de tchèque/Anglais?
Moi j'utilise http://www.cucumis.org
Merci d'avance.
Si vous avez besoin d'une traduction que je peux surtout n'hésitez pas.
Jaâfar |
| 11 Luglio 2007 18:02 |
| Hi,
If you it could translate into Spanish or English, I would be very grateful. It would be of great aid!
Thanks! |
| 14 Luglio 2007 15:17 |
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| 20 Luglio 2007 16:14 |
| "unrestful" is not a word I've ever heard of in English. |
| 28 Luglio 2007 16:32 |
| Hello, Cisa!!!
Did you see my post about how to make links with the word on the forum. if not, here it is: links
Bye! |
| 28 Luglio 2007 19:13 |
| Here is another tool we admins and experts use (you can see all the latest messages sent anywhere).
Holpe you enjoy.
| 29 Luglio 2007 12:00 |
| do you love chinese?
I am looking it up how to spell it into 'characters'
for how long do you study chinese?
| 29 Luglio 2007 12:57 |
| Hi
yes well, it's a bit complicated,
I am born in estonia, but I spoke lithuanian (my mother's lithuanian, father's dutch)
then I came to Belgium when I was 8 so
now I study 5 languages at school
and ooh!
In october my chinese classes start
I need to study 160 hours of chinese this year, then next year in July I go to China for 1 year to study chinese and afterwards chinese simplified and traditional at university!
N. |
| 29 Luglio 2007 13:45 |
| i saw ur profile, pretty
okay the arabic ones are:
Ø£Øب Cucumis
but i want to give u a slang and cuter form
بعشق Cucumis
afwan a lot [ur welcome in Arabic]
| 29 Luglio 2007 14:04 |
| it's not tristan
it's tristangun, or trist..
but my real name is Nathan, what is yours?
N. |
| 29 Luglio 2007 17:13 |
| Hi Cisa!
I saw your request but I coudn't find what you wanted me to translate...
| 29 Luglio 2007 17:28 |
Hi: Hej (sv) Hei (no)
I love: Jag älskar (sv) Jeg elsker (no)
Hope that that will be appropriate!
| 29 Luglio 2007 18:33 |
| hi cisa. What should I tell you? There was no link there... |
| 29 Luglio 2007 20:38 |
| Hi Cisa,
Pls be so kind to send your translation request. One of Cucumis rules says:
Don't send personal messages to other users to ask for a translation. There is a specific page for this.
| 30 Luglio 2007 10:43 |
| Hi, into catalan is hola! (hi!) and T'estimo (I love). |
| 1 Agosto 2007 16:51 |
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| 1 Agosto 2007 16:54 |
| labas / hello (lithuanian)
aš tave / I love (lithuanian)
ek is lief vir (afrikaans)
| 1 Agosto 2007 17:54 |
| btw it's 'hola' instead of 'ola'
they understand you, but correct is correct! |
| 2 Agosto 2007 10:05 |
 iriniNumero di messaggi: 849 | Hi, I'm sorry! I was sick and with a bad neck (long story) so I wasn't online really.
Hi! Γειά!
I love Αγαπώ
Thanks a lot, ΕυχαÏιστώ πολÏ
Irene |
| 5 Agosto 2007 11:02 |
| Hello Cisa,
In Polish
Hi = Cześć
I love = Kocham
Good luck |