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תיבת דואר נכנס - beky4krתוצאות 1 עד 19 מ קרוב ל19 | | | 13 ספטמבר 2007 19:16 | | oi!obrigada por traduzir a palavra vida para mim em hebraico,vc poderia traduzir o nome "viviane"para mim?vem do latim e significa "vida,com vida,cheia de vida,animada."me mande a pronúncia também se possÃvel...obrigada. | | 14 ספטמבר 2007 15:50 | | | | 20 ספטמבר 2007 19:08 | | obrigada,mais vc não me especificou sobre a sua tradução... | | 1 נובמבר 2007 19:36 | | | | 4 דצמבר 2007 11:45 | | Olá amigo
O site diz que falta uma avaliação de um especialista no assunto.
O que você acha? Precisamos de uma segunda opinião?
Harlen | | 12 ינואר 2008 09:06 | | ×ת/×” יודע/ת המון שפות בן/בת כמה ×ת/×”? | | 27 פברואר 2008 13:18 | | | | 1 מרץ 2008 14:21 | | Hi Beky4kr.
Thank you so much for your help with the translation. I would just like to know i you translated it as "one must bet to win" or like "nothing ventured nothing gained"?
Do you know if there also is a Hebrew saying which has the same meaning as "nothing venture nothing gained"?
Thank you so much.
Mie, Denmark | | 6 מרץ 2008 21:15 | | Could you plaese write the hebrew saying for me ? What does the hebrew saying means more specific ?
Thank you | | 13 אוקטובר 2008 12:40 | | Hello beky4kr,
My name is Simone I am italian and I live in Rome, I'm going to get marry with my girlfriend Monica.
She is Israeli and she still do not speak italian.
For the marriage as of the italian law, we need a person who will translate for Monica.
If you know somebody in Rome whom can help us, I would kindly ask you if you can inform us the phone number.
Simone email: simone.roma76@gmail.com
Thanks in advance.
Kindly regards.
P.S.: If somebody will read this message and he know a translator Hebrew-Italian in Rome, please help us.
| | 2 מאי 2009 16:37 | | beky4kr,
מה לדעתך צריך ×œ×©× ×•×ª בתרגו×?
http://www.cucumis.org/translation_16_t/view-the-translation_v_217865.html#h | | 11 אוקטובר 2009 07:02 | | | | 11 אוקטובר 2009 09:46 | | | | 27 מאי 2010 16:27 | | ÅžALOM.YO UN POCO COMPRENDO ESPANOL.QUÄ°ERO HABLAR ESPANOL.QUÄ°ERO DESARROLLAR ESPANOL. | | 16 אפריל 2011 15:34 | | | | 12 אוגוסט 2011 19:24 |  Leinמספר הודעות: 3389 | Hi beky4kr
Because the source text of this translation has been set as 'other languages', rather than Hebrew, I am not expecting any votes; could you take a look and help me evaluate it please? Thanks!  | | 12 אוקטובר 2011 08:57 | | Hi i am sandy this is my email skyline.star7@gmail.com | | 9 דצמבר 2011 00:47 | | Ùيلم أمريكي يؤكد للعالم أجمع بوجود نبي اسمه Ù…Øمد | | 4 יוני 2017 07:47 | | |
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