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Doručené - Mats Fondelius

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3 apríla 2007 11:24  

Mats Fondelius
Počet príspevkov: 153
Hello "nava91",

Thanks anyway!
I followed your advise and sent the "issue" to "jp" in hope that he will find a solution.

Kind regards,

Mats Fondelius "figge2001"

9 apríla 2007 08:45  

Počet príspevkov: 3
merci bien figge 2001, c'est gentil de ta part.

11 apríla 2007 04:47  

Mats Fondelius
Počet príspevkov: 153
To all translators - "Understanding vs. Mastering a language".

See below a correspondence between me and a fellow translator on this site that shows how easily you can be "Lost in translation"...

Oi "caspertavernello",

No wonder you didn´t get it...

I´m using Swedish 'sayings´ in a correct manner - but that doesn´t make sense to anyone that doesn´t really MASTER the Swedish language to 'over' 100% - just to make my 'point' clear to you and everyone else on this subject...

To understand my message to you - you have to be a native adult 'Swede' with good grades in Swedish litterature, equipped with an IQ above normal, preferrably also have a long "life-experience" and holds a University degree... Otherwise you just can't 'get it'...
This was the 'point' here - to show you and everyone that some things are beyond reach to understand unless you Truly MASTER a language (You still wouldn't understand my message even if you were married to a Swedish woman and had worked in Sweden, speaking Swedish daily for 15-20 years..!).

I'll translate the two messaages from Swedish to English for you:

"The answer to your question is - No.

First, there is no need for it.

Secondly, for the languages I don't speak completely fluently and use daily in my home (=Swedish & American English - I've been speaking American English to my newly separated wife and two children at home for the last 16 years...) - I use the "tips" you gave me yourself - a dictionary, Google, Wikipedia and my Brazilian fiancé Lúcia from Sao Luis, Maranho.

I have worked as a 'travel guide' and lived during the 'tourist seasons' in places like Paris, the Beaujolais district (north-west of Lyon), Biarritz, the island of Corse, Val D'Isère, Chamonix, Mountpeiller and Val Thorens... I have also studied French for 4 years.

Concerning my German I have worked as an International Product Manager for a Pharmaceutical corporation stationed in Münich. Furthermore I have many business contacts in Germany today, i.e. Professor Fritz G. Zahn from 'Altesland' west of Hamburg and south of the river Rhein - Germany's largest fruit- and berry production district.
I have also worked in Austria as a 'travel guide' in places like Kitzbühl, S:t Anton, Maria Alm and many more...
I have studied German for 4 years.

Norwegian and Danish (apart from being very similar to Swedish) - I have worked as a Marketing manager in both countries and lived there for an extended amount of time - "I say no more..."!

As for Spanish - I have lived in Basque, Barcelona, Madrid for shorter periods as well as a longer time on the island of Mallorca since my sister lived there for 4 years. I also had a Spanish girlfriend...

I also understand other languages but decided not to be a translator for these since I consider them to be my "third languages" - Italian, Greek, Cantoneese, Lithuanian and Japanese...

As for Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese you already have received my answer - Love...

Translation of my last letter:

"Hello again "caspertavernello",

"This automatic site-translator does not accept the title , however it is correct, the poem is..." - This refers to THIS web-site's Automatic-translator which controls if the translation of the 'Title' is in accordance with the translated text...

"No hard feelings" - but I admit that i became somewhat 'ticked off' by your question...

I am not a person that's equipped with remembrance of things long past and would be more than happy to assist you as I said earlier with any 'tricky' Swedish translations => where "you can easily be deceived" (= "falla mellan stolarna" if you "don't follow the right track" (= "håller tungan rätt i mun" - (= Two Swedish 'sayings' right there for you - impossible to translate unless you MASTER Swedish...)

Your friend,

Mats Fondelius "figge2001" "

11 apríla 2007 22:35  

Mats Fondelius
Počet príspevkov: 153
Hej Casper,

Jag är uppriktigt ledsen om du tog detta inlägg som 'kritik' gentemot dig som person!
Självklart var detta inte avsikten.
Denna var istället att belysa hur lätt det är att hamna fullkomligt 'galet' i en översättning trots att man behärskar ett språk MYCKET bra...

Du har min uppriktiga ursäkt att du tog illa vid dig!

Själv tycker jag det är lika fantastiskt att du som fortfarande är så ung behärskar så många "svåra" språk som inte är besläktade med portugisiska på något sätt.
Att du lärt dig svenska inger respekt men ännu mer att du kan finska - det är ett språk väsensskilt från övriga skandinaviska språk - var har du lärt dig allt detta?

Överenskommet - vi startar "på ny kula"! (="from the beginning"

Jag vill absolut inte förlora dig som vän!

Din kompis Mats

12 apríla 2007 16:52  

casper tavernello
Počet príspevkov: 5057
I didn't see your message here.
I know languages from differents types:the indo-europeans such as the north germanic=swedish;
middle gemanic=gothic(just a few things) and english; and south germanic=german(standard), wich are from the same family(indo-european) of latin and slavics, and have almost the same grammatics.But just a little Finnish, from the "Uralo-altaicas"(don't the english term) wich has Turkish, Hungarian,Uzbeq,Mongolian(and far alway,Japanese) with a very hard grammar(very different from the indo...) I was trying to learn Chinese but it takes time

21 apríla 2007 15:54  

Počet príspevkov: 7963
Hi figge2001

Can you tell me why you said this translation was wrong?

21 apríla 2007 16:45  

Mats Fondelius
Počet príspevkov: 153
Hello "kafetzou",

It is a great translation as a whole.
However it contains a misspelling that must be corrected:
"sbout" => about.

That´s it!

Take care!

Mats Fondelius "figge2001"

25 apríla 2007 00:00  

casper tavernello
Počet príspevkov: 5057
Hello again figge2001, after a long time!
Why is "Jag behöver närhet- I need proximity" wrong in your opinion?

25 apríla 2007 00:08  

Mats Fondelius
Počet príspevkov: 153
Hello again Caspar,

"Jag behöver närhet" in Swedish is almost always an 'intimate way' of speech used by lovers for example.
Therefore, "proximity" is a very 'stiff' way to express this phrase - the correct word in the context should be "closeness".

Kind regards,

Mats Fondelius "figge2001"

25 apríla 2007 00:18  

casper tavernello
Počet príspevkov: 5057
You should have a look in the messages under the text next time you vote it.
That's what I thought, but there were many opinions there wich drove me crazy.
I'm gonna change it now, and I ask please to 'revote' if you can.
Thanks a lot, bye.

25 apríla 2007 01:06  

Počet príspevkov: 7963
Hi figge2001

I don't know why nobody alerted you to this before, but you're posting your replies to your own inbox, so the intended recipient isn't getting it.

25 apríla 2007 01:09  

casper tavernello
Počet príspevkov: 5057
Wow.Have you seen all those mesages?'17' for that little tiny phrase.And people who send them never get back to explain.
Whatta headache by now.
Tack sa mycket.

5 mája 2007 10:59  

Počet príspevkov: 1
thank u ...

23 júna 2007 17:58  

Počet príspevkov: 7963

Please say why you disagree with this translation in a note under the translation.

2 decembra 2007 04:26  

Počet príspevkov: 7963
Hi Mats

Can you please tell me what is wrong with this translation.

11 decembra 2007 02:56  

Počet príspevkov: 86
Thank for translating my «telex form of text»!
