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Doručené - casper tavernello

Výsledky 221 - 240 z približne 479
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17 októbra 2007 20:38  

Počet príspevkov: 1014
oké thanks!

17 októbra 2007 20:41  

Počet príspevkov: 1014
Haha, duh I know bout the 'fake' thing
but you asked: 'did you already forget it?'
that is why I sad.. huh what thing? (==> ofcourse I forgot it )

18 októbra 2007 07:36  

Počet príspevkov: 1671
Did he give you my Japanese translations anyway? If not, here they are:


For what it's worth...?

19 októbra 2007 02:00  

Počet príspevkov: 1671
Hello caspertavernello,

I must say I was very disappointed that you didn't take one minute to copy, paste and send my translations (which took me ten minutes or so to do) to the requester.

I'm also surprised (and again disappointed) you didn't send your English bridge to me for translation! First, one of my native languages is English, and second I think you could have seen ミハイル already has enough work (there are still many Brazilian-to-Japanese translations which have been requested but still have not been done)...

I should think the main role of an administrator is to assist the volunteer translators here to get our translations out to the people who request them, if at all possible. In this case, I was available and the translation was available, but you chose to ignore it and me, and disappoint the requester. Please consider your administrative responsibilities more carefully next time...


19 októbra 2007 13:16  

Počet príspevkov: 1671
I have read and understand your message. Thank you for taking the time to explain what happened.

Let's work together sometime!

19 októbra 2007 13:37  

Počet príspevkov: 1014
Schele Vanderlinde,
it's a name
I don't know how to be translated.

ik leerde met de lent te verlaten om me te snijden en volledig te komen,
I've already started a discusion with this one, because every word in this text is dutch, some how, except 'lent' (?)(Could be Lente! but that wouldn't make a sence)


19 októbra 2007 13:52  

Počet príspevkov: 1014
wij ontvingen een attest van uw bevallingsust in nederland van 20.08.2007 tem 28.08.2007. dit is onvolledig,wij hebben ook een attest nodig van 19.05.2007tem 19.08.2007

we received an certificate from your 'bevallingsust' (what that may mean.. 'bevalling' means birth ==> sust is not a word)
so in english:
we received an certificate of a birth in the Netherlands from 20/08/2007 until 28/08/2007, but this is incomplete, we also need a certificate of 19/05/2007 until 19/08/2007

19 októbra 2007 13:52  

Počet príspevkov: 1014
that was it !

19 októbra 2007 13:53  

Počet príspevkov: 1014
Swedish dutch? swedish french?
portuguese french? ;p

19 októbra 2007 15:36  

Počet príspevkov: 2247
Como o chuchu é um vegetal insípido da família(?) das curcubitáceas, poderia haver uma versão chata e insípida do cucumis, o chuchumis.
Para tirar do fórum...

19 októbra 2007 16:19  

Počet príspevkov: 2247
Haha, quis responder ao teu tópico mas não deu tempo de tirar a frase de lá ao ponto de ninguém perceber, hehe.
É que não tinha nada a ver com o assunto... para não encher o tópico com outras coisas, mas agora já foi. haha

Você podia ser o webmaster do chuchumis...

23 októbra 2007 15:56  

Počet príspevkov: 1
Jag förstår inte hur man får en text översatt här, jag vill ha det översatt på portugisiska

23 októbra 2007 16:45  

Počet príspevkov: 1621

você podia dá uma olhadinha nesta tradução, porque:

"I didn't understand, why "Richard Roe" is laying into my english, while I was pointing out, that the english translation from the portuguese text isn't correct, because "cobrir" isn't "march", but "defilade" !! ???? "

CC: JP ??

24 októbra 2007 10:52  

Počet príspevkov: 1670
O problema é que nem aparece a opção de colocar alguém como CC (nem para pessoas que já opinaram sobre a tradução, nem para especialistas). Nunca apareceu esse botão/opção/função CC para mim... Ian diz que é um "green coloured thing under the message" e para mim não aparece nada assim.

24 októbra 2007 20:18  

Počet príspevkov: 1014
Yes but not for long!
because Fortis has bought it, or at least it's planning too

26 októbra 2007 00:43  

Andrea Fabiola
Počet príspevkov: 1
oi sera q vc poderia me ajudar?
como será a tradução desta palavra?
ja procurei e nao consegui

26 októbra 2007 14:39  

Počet príspevkov: 1014
Do you got msn?

26 októbra 2007 17:35  

Počet príspevkov: 1014
KOEKOEK, do you?

26 októbra 2007 17:48  

Počet príspevkov: 3
ahh..excuseme ı don't speak english. a little know.ım from turkey but my friend brasil people speak problem

26 októbra 2007 18:33  

Počet príspevkov: 1014
You're coming online?
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