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Doručené - lilian canale

Výsledky 381 - 400 z približne 688
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16 februára 2009 15:07  

Počet príspevkov: 493
Hello Lilly,

I have found the translation of this text into sanskrit and I was wondering if it is ok to post it.

Thank you.

16 februára 2009 15:19  

Počet príspevkov: 493
I can provide a link, no problem, but I think there is no point to do the translation if it would maybe never get through . I'll let it go then.

Thank you for replying.

18 februára 2009 06:50  

Počet príspevkov: 279

The bug, or whatever it was, has been fixed and it's working well now.

20 februára 2009 18:32  

Počet príspevkov: 3785
Hi Lilian,
I'm sorry I can't be on the site as often as I wish. I hope I will find some more spare time in the future but my wife being pregnant and if the baby arrives, my spare time will decerase a lot

I totally trust you about the english experts management, so you decide. Ask me, goncin or Francky to give the rights to the members.

Do you think that being admin level 3 is something that would help you in recruiting the english experts and assistant in the english team ?

21 februára 2009 10:40  

Počet príspevkov: 464
Oh I'm fine Lilian, thanks. I have been checking Cucumis and the forums on a regular basis, don't worry! It's just that there weren't many translations lately I could do, either they're already done by others (it's not that I know any "special" languages) or people are asking for an expert to do them.

Actually, why shouldn't PowerCucumers be able to do expert translations?

January had been a very busy month for me, my first university exams.. I passed 9/10, I'll be redoing one (Statistics, yuk!) somewhere in August.

21 februára 2009 14:44  

Počet príspevkov: 21
Slm Lilian çevrilmesini istediğim metin için yazım yada noktalama hatası var demişsin ,evet hatalar olabilir sonuçta bu çeviri bana ingilizce az bilen arkadaşım tarafından gönderildi ve bende çeviri yapılmasını talep ederken chat-arkadaşlık seçeneğini seçtim ve yalnızca anlamla ilgili seçeneğini işaretledim.
senden ricam tam anlamı ile olmasada ne demek istendiğini bana yazabilirmisin? İlgi ve alakan için teşekkürler ,görüşmek üzere hoşçakal!!

22 februára 2009 23:36  

Počet príspevkov: 1

25 februára 2009 13:55  

Počet príspevkov: 1
Varför måste min mening innehålla ett verb? Mening är: mor och dotter alltid och förevigt.
Det är en full mening. Varför blev den inte gokänd?

26 februára 2009 13:37  

Počet príspevkov: 515
Thank you, Lily! :-)

26 februára 2009 19:43  

Počet príspevkov: 279
Hi Lilian,

Just wondering if you know what has happened to Maribel, has she gone on a holiday ?

1 marca 2009 17:09  

Počet príspevkov: 849
Hey there! I'm back! I see there are a lot of translations from Greek to English you are asking eval for. Do you want me to take care of them for you or just vote on them?


1 marca 2009 17:29  

Počet príspevkov: 849
Thanks for welcoming back and not yelling at me!
Nice to see you again As usual, GREAT avatar!

1 marca 2009 23:37  

Počet príspevkov: 849
OK, check the changes I made and tell me if you are OK with them. "Inspired from" was my dearest, native English speaker and well educated husband's fault! Sorry (he apologizes too after he apologized -repeatedly- to me).

1 marca 2009 23:58  

Počet príspevkov: 849
Done! Honestly though, in these cases, just edit my edits. I don't feel offended or anything.

8 marca 2009 21:06  

Počet príspevkov: 47
Hi Lilian,
Something quite strange has happened.
I have just access the section where people are requested to help with a translation and have noticed that the translation that shows up is done by you.
(the one that says "Hi, I dropped by to say hello..."
The strange thing is that I have also done the same translation (in english) yesterday.
How can that be ?
Will I loss the corresponding points ?


10 marca 2009 15:08  

Počet príspevkov: 276
¡Hola Lilian!

Te escribo para consultarte algunas dudillas.

En primer lugar, ¿qué utilidad tiene aceptar o rechazar una traducción asignándole una valoración? ¿es importante?

Y por otra parte, hay traducciones cuya lengua origen desconozco y me haría falta pedir una traducción puente al inglés. ¿Esto se hace simplemente desde el botón "pide una nueva lengua de destino para este texto"? En este caso, ¿sería yo el que pagaría los puntos?

Perdona que te avasalle a preguntas pero he estado mirando los foros y, aunque he encontrado respuestas a muchas preguntas, éstas siguen siendo una incógnita para mí.

Gracias por todo,

Un saludo.

12 marca 2009 17:11  

Počet príspevkov: 2
Y algo mas que eso me sorbiste el seso y me deciane del peso de este cuerpecito mio que se ha convertio en rio

13 marca 2009 17:18  

Počet príspevkov: 5
Olá Lilian,
Como faço para remover uma tradução minha?
Percebi que meu italiano não é tão bom como eu pensava....


13 marca 2009 17:52  

Počet príspevkov: 5

16 marca 2009 01:29  

Počet príspevkov: 2
i will fid out and get back to you
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