To all translators - "Understanding vs. Mastering a language".
See below a correspondence between me and a fellow translator on this site that shows how easily you can be "Lost in translation"...
Oi "caspertavernello",
No wonder you didn´t get it...
I´m using Swedish 'sayings´ in a correct manner - but that doesn´t make sense to anyone that doesn´t really MASTER the Swedish language to 'over' 100% - just to make my 'point' clear to you and everyone else on this subject...
To understand my message to you - you have to be a native adult 'Swede' with good grades in Swedish litterature, equipped with an IQ above normal, preferrably also have a long "life-experience" and holds a University degree... Otherwise you just can't 'get it'...
This was the 'point' here - to show you and everyone that some things are beyond reach to understand unless you Truly MASTER a language (You still wouldn't understand my message even if you were married to a Swedish woman and had worked in Sweden, speaking Swedish daily for 15-20 years..!).
I'll translate the two messaages from Swedish to English for you:
"The answer to your question is - No.
First, there is no need for it.
Secondly, for the languages I don't speak completely fluently and use daily in my home (=Swedish & American English - I've been speaking American English to my newly separated wife and two children at home for the last 16 years...) - I use the "tips" you gave me yourself - a dictionary, Google, Wikipedia and my Brazilian fiancé Lúcia from Sao Luis, Maranho.
I have worked as a 'travel guide' and lived during the 'tourist seasons' in places like Paris, the Beaujolais district (north-west of Lyon), Biarritz, the island of Corse, Val D'Isère, Chamonix, Mountpeiller and Val Thorens... I have also studied French for 4 years.
Concerning my German I have worked as an International Product Manager for a Pharmaceutical corporation stationed in Münich. Furthermore I have many business contacts in Germany today, i.e. Professor Fritz G. Zahn from 'Altesland' west of Hamburg and south of the river Rhein - Germany's largest fruit- and berry production district.
I have also worked in Austria as a 'travel guide' in places like Kitzbühl, S:t Anton, Maria Alm and many more...
I have studied German for 4 years.
Norwegian and Danish (apart from being very similar to Swedish) - I have worked as a Marketing manager in both countries and lived there for an extended amount of time - "I say no more..."!
As for Spanish - I have lived in Basque, Barcelona, Madrid for shorter periods as well as a longer time on the island of Mallorca since my sister lived there for 4 years. I also had a Spanish girlfriend...
I also understand other languages but decided not to be a translator for these since I consider them to be my "third languages" - Italian, Greek, Cantoneese, Lithuanian and Japanese...
As for Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese you already have received my answer - Love...
Translation of my last letter:
"Hello again "caspertavernello",
"This automatic site-translator does not accept the title , however it is correct, the poem is..." - This refers to THIS web-site's Automatic-translator which controls if the translation of the 'Title' is in accordance with the translated text...
"No hard feelings" - but I admit that i became somewhat 'ticked off' by your question...
I am not a person that's equipped with remembrance of things long past and would be more than happy to assist you as I said earlier with any 'tricky' Swedish translations => where "you can easily be deceived" (= "falla mellan stolarna" if you "don't follow the right track" (= "håller tungan rätt i mun"

- (= Two Swedish 'sayings' right there for you - impossible to translate unless you MASTER Swedish...)
Your friend,
Mats Fondelius "figge2001" "