Cucumis - خدمة الترجمة المجانية على الخط
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صندوق الوارد - shiyuan

نتائج1- 3على مجموع تقريبا3

30 أيلول 2006 08:26  

عدد الرسائل: 3785
Hi, I'm not sure I've understood your question. On this list of japanese translations to be evaluated, you have several way to evaluate each translations.

For translations that don't need to be edited (good enough to be accepted or too bad to be edited and accepted), you can directly choose a rating in the combo list "pontue esta tradução".

For the translations you want to edit, there is a direct link "[Editar]" that you can open in a new window. Once you've edited the translation, you can choose a rating in the list with the combo list "pontue esta tradução".

Then once you've rate all the translations of the page (if there are translations you can't evaluate, don't change the combo value), scroll down de page and click on the buttonGO and that's all.

If it's not clear, I've planned to do an animated tutorial soon.


30 أيلول 2006 12:16  

عدد الرسائل: 2
Hi, JP
Thank you, you've just resolved my doubt.

Fiquei nessa dúvida porque estava tentando fazer "aceitação" e "edição" ao mesmo tempo. Quando voltava da edição, as aceitações que eu tinha feito com o pull-down menu (combo list) voltavam para a posição inicial "Pontue esta tradução".

Acho que já sei como fazer ;->


2 تشرين الاول 2006 14:15  

عدد الرسائل: 2
Peço perdão, milenabg, o caso de "Catarina" acho que ia colocar somente um "ー" (onbiki = coloca-se para prolongar o som) no meio e aceitar a tradução, mas o manuseio deu errado.
