Cucumis - 무료 온라인 번역 서비스
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받은 편지함 - Myrddin

약 3개 결과들 중 1 - 3

2008년 4월 11일 22:46  

게시물 갯수: 2
estas seguro, de la traduccion? no me suena muy correcta
Mi filii ti amo de toto animo meo
suena a italiano no alatin... y de hehco es italiano

2008년 5월 14일 18:22  

게시물 갯수: 77
Hi Myrddin,

you translated this sentence "mi deseo es" [spanish] in this way "mi optatum est" [latin]

Can i ask you why?
I'm quite sure that the right sentence is "mea cupiditas est" or "meus appetitus est" or "mea voluntas est"...even "meum desiderium est". but not what you wrote.

Could you please explain me why did you write it? (sine i have to evaluate your translation, i'd like to ask before doing corrections)

mi deseo es [spèanish]
mon désir est [french]
η επιθυμία μου είναι [greek]
my wish is... [english]

Thank you ^_^

2008년 5월 15일 23:26  

게시물 갯수: 77
"Mi optatum est"

Passive form of "opto optas"

is desired by me -> that's means "mi optatum est"

it's doesnt collime with "my desire is" [maybe the sense, in some way, but not words, grammar and syntax]