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번역 - Eu trebuie sÇŽ fi fost un fan al “Mi se strânge stomacul de emoÅ£ie” (루마니아어)

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2009년 1월 14일 14:47  

게시물 갯수: 4611
Something is wrong with the first word. Not native.

CC: Francky5591 italo07 iamfromaustria

2009년 1월 14일 14:53  

게시물 갯수: 12396
Flugziege in meinem Bauch? Des chèvres aériennes dans mon ventre? Well, after the Christmas Eve and the New Year's Eve, belly may be aching!

Thanks Lene, anyway it seems it is a request that is out of frame ([4])

But I'll wait for Salvo or Heidrun's reply before doing anything with this text..


2009년 1월 14일 14:54  

게시물 갯수: 4611

2009년 1월 14일 16:13  

게시물 갯수: 1335
It's the title of a famous song (covered by the comedian Oli P.) "Flugzeuge in meinem Bauch". So nothing to do with a goat

2009년 1월 14일 16:58  

게시물 갯수: 1474
Yes, that's "Flugzeuge"

Heidrun, seit wann ist Oli P. ein Comedian? Eher ein Sänger und Moderator

CC: gamine Francky5591

2009년 1월 14일 19:50  

게시물 갯수: 4611
Shall it be rejected ot shall we keep it.

CC: Francky5591

2009년 1월 14일 20:26  

게시물 갯수: 1335
Vielleicht hätte ich es "Möchtegern-Comedian" nennen sollen, da er als Moderator immer besonders "lustige" Witze zu machen versucht. Aber stimmt, in erster Linie kennt man ihn als Sänger. Ich gebe auch zu, früher ein Fan seines "Flugzeuge in meinem Bauch" gewesen zu sein

I do not know, do we translate titles? It's actually not a whole sentence, so maybe, it's out of frame.

2009년 1월 15일 10:48  

게시물 갯수: 12396
Well I don't know whether it has nothing to do with a goat, as I didn't listen to the song yet!

For this request to be acceptable, I won't look further but add some of what I could read above, thanks to Heidrun who included this title in a larger sentence.

2009년 1월 15일 19:15  

게시물 갯수: 1335
Oh, what an honour! I didn't know that I'm already that famous people quote me

CC: Francky5591

2009년 1월 28일 11:35  

게시물 갯수: 53
Traducerea corecta:
Recunosc că şi eu am fost mai demult un fan al melodiei sale "Flugzeuge in meinem Bauch".

2009년 1월 28일 11:37  

게시물 갯수: 53
Sorry, but the translation suggested by nicumarc is absolutely incorrect.
The correct translation should be:
Recunosc că şi eu am fost mai demult un fan al melodiei sale "Flugzeuge in meinem Bauch".

2009년 1월 28일 16:20  

게시물 갯수: 1335

I do not know any Romanian, but it would be necessary to include the translation of "Flugzeuge in meinem Bauch" in the translation, because it's actually the part, the requester wanted to know the meaning of.

2009년 1월 28일 16:35  

게시물 갯수: 53
"Flugzeuge in meinem Bauch" is the name of a song by Oli P (a German singer). It's strange to translate the name of a foreign song, when you are talking to someone.
For example: His most famous song was "Lady in Red". In Romanian we say: Cea mai populară melodie a sa a fost "Lady in Red". So the name of the song remains untranslated. I think it is the same in any language.
Anyway, "Flugzeuge in meinem Bauch" is the same thing as the English expression "butterflies in my stomach". But I still think that song names should remain untranslated.
What nicumarc suggested is this: I must have been a fan of his "plane in my stomach".

2009년 1월 28일 16:38  

게시물 갯수: 1335
I know, I know, it's strange to translate titles, but I think you should follow the discussion above to understand. The original request was just "Flugzeuge in meinem Bauch" and it's only us, who made a sentence out of it, so it won't be rejected right away (because it doesn't go along with our rules).

So I suggest finding an equivalent for "butterflies in my stomach" in Romanian. What about that?

2009년 1월 28일 16:49  

게시물 갯수: 53
"fluturi în stomac"

2009년 1월 28일 18:19  

게시물 갯수: 2102
Yeap, but we do not use this expression. It is more close to say "mi se strânge stomacul de emoţie". Maybe somebody has a better idea than this.

2009년 1월 29일 06:37  

게시물 갯수: 86
Observati textul original!
Ma tradus ceea ce se cerea. Nu s-a specificat ca este vorba despre un cantec. Si nici cine este autorul. A fost un tect trunchiat.
Din greseala am tradus numele melodiei. Acum am aflat si eu ca este vorba despre un czntec, si am aflat chiar si autorul.
Din curiozitate il voi cauta sa-l ascult. Intr-adevar si eu sunt un fan cand este vorba de muzica, indiferent de care: clasica, usoara, populara, simfonica, etc. Ascult cu placere...
Va multumesc pentru furtuna din paharul de apa!
Imi sunteti foarte apropiati si dragi! Va iubesc pe toti!
Cu stima
Marc nicolae alias nicumarc

2009년 1월 29일 08:48  

게시물 갯수: 53
@ iepurica:

Yes we use this expression. Google it and you'll find 21,400 results.

2009년 1월 29일 10:13  

게시물 갯수: 86
Peterbald are dreptate.
De acord intrutotul cu el!
Traducere corecta!

2009년 1월 29일 13:50  

게시물 갯수: 2102
peterbald, the expression is maybe very new in Romanian, adopted from English probably and used by the younger people. I've never used it, I've never heard it at my friends or in society and I've never read it anywhere (and here I talk about books and cultivated language). It is not mentioned in the Romanian dictionary DEX, the same about wikipedia. Those two I consider serious sources.

What you have written about Google: it gives links for blogs (which are not always using correct the language) or reffers simple at people who use the translation of the well-known English expression.

I am sorry, but is "furculision" alike.
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