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Doručené - chrysso91

Výsledky 1 - 18 z asi 18

12 červen 2007 17:24  

Počet příspěvků: 7963
I hope you don't mind if I answer in English (it's easier for me). The point values come from the translations you've done. When an "expert" evaluates your translation, s/he gives you a point value for it. Unfortunately, though, there's no standardized system for this, and different experts evaluate differently. That may be the reason why you are seeing your values go up and down. Also, the number of words in each translation affects both how many points you are given and how those translate into scores.

13 červen 2007 03:53  

Počet příspěvků: 1014
Well I don't really know if it's a correct german sentence.. and if it is it's something like;

whom you are..


18 červen 2007 05:04  

Počet příspěvků: 2132
bonjour chrysso91,
Merci pour le message mais comme tu peux le voir je suis arrivée trop tard, ce sera pour une autre fois
à bientôt,

24 červen 2007 03:58  

Počet příspěvků: 7963
Γεια σου Χρυσσο91

Για να δεις για τί δεν δέχτικα τη μετάφρασή σου, περίμενε μέχρι να δεχθεί μια από κάποιον άλλον, και μπορείς να τα συνκρήνεις.

25 červen 2007 09:40  

Počet příspěvků: 2132
la traduction que tu m'as montrée me semblait très bien, mais je ne la trouve plus qu'est elle devenue? a-t-elle était acceptée?

3 červenec 2007 21:19  

Počet příspěvků: 2747

Je suis désolée de t'avoir fait attendre une reponse à ton message. Je n'ai pas eu beaucoup de temps ces derniers jours.

Je te promets que demain je repondrai à ta question mais pour ce soir il se fait un peu tard déjà.

A demain alors


9 červenec 2007 03:23  

Počet příspěvků: 1621

a "familiengeführtes Hotel" is a Hotel, which is owned by a family.


10 červenec 2007 08:02  

Počet příspěvků: 2747
Hi Chrysso

Sorry I took so long to get back to you, I already excused, promised and then got short of time.

I will first make some general comments about translating and then I will show you the different problems that arose in your translation.

A translation should never look like a translation. It should look and read like an original. This means that it should be fluid and natural.

In my (personal) opinion in anything other than a technical (medical, legal, instructions,...) text should be translated by the "feel" and not necessarily by translating one word for another. What may be a relevant allusion in one language may mean nothing at all once translated.

A good translation needs good tools, so use several dictionaries and thesaurus. Not only bilingual dictionaries, but also "ordinary" one language dictionaries. This helps for finding alternative words and often alternative meanings.

For this (your) specific translation the fluidity has completely disappeared. The removal of the article "the" is often a method for fluidifying English texts. Here you have made a kind of hybrid phrase since you use the article "the" and at the same time you used the preposition "to" rather than "into". In order to fluidify the phrase, since you used the article "the" you should have preferred using "into" instead of "to".

I will show you the different possibilities I have spoken of

Your version reads:

"Transform the sadness to kindness"

now without the article "the"

"Transform sadness to kindness"

and now with "the" and "into"

"Transform the sadness into kindness"

For the second phrase:

"your particularity in force"

If in the first phrase you use "to" you should repeat it here rather than using the "other half" of "into". Don't forget that it is something that is to be "transformed, and in English, something must be transformed *into* something else and not "in" something else. Here again you could choose between "to" and "into":

Firstly with "to":

"your particularity to force"

or with "into":

"your particularity into force"

About the word "particularity" - I didn't find it in either of my English dictionaries (though I did find it in my En/Fr dictionary). There is a very similar word in English "peculiarity" which would have been better, though I find it a bit pejorative.

The fluidity of the next part of the text seems to be the problem again. Your translation "sticks" to the original too much which give form "clumsy", overladen phrasing.

"It is not important if you lose your way"

Could have read:

"There is no importance if you lose your way"

To soften the phrase even more you could writhe "there's no..." instead of "there is no..."

The last phrase suffers from not being put in the genundive form "-ing" instead of the verb in its infiitive form.

infinitive form (your version)

"begin to walk, again and again"

and the gerundive form:

"begin walking, again and again".

You did good work and you understood the source text but you needed to spend more time on the fluency of your version.

You are even younger than my daughter, who will be 17 in november. You are all so clever at translating and writing in other languages. I am really proud to know you.

If you need any help again, don't hesitate to let me know.


15 červenec 2007 13:18  

Počet příspěvků: 3706

Please translate also the title of this text.

Thank you.

3 září 2007 05:52  

Počet příspěvků: 1
ευχαριστώ πολύ

6 září 2007 06:42  

Počet příspěvků: 256
I'm sorry I didn't answer more faster to your message. Is αναβρα related with boiling? Γιατι στο λεξικο μου υπαρχει μονο "αναβραζω" - to boil. Νομιζω οτι εχει σχεση με την πνευματικη δημιουργια.

6 září 2007 06:50  

Počet příspěvků: 256
Thank you for the rapid reply, Chrisso. Is there any difference in meaning between αναβρα and ανοιξη?

6 září 2007 06:52  

Počet příspěvků: 256
sorry, now I've understood - is the litterary word. I wasn't very attentive. Thank you again.

8 září 2007 23:24  

Počet příspěvků: 14
Good evening chrysso91, please, tell if i can use the translation that you made for me, can trust in it? Confirm, please, it´s very important to me.

From Ribeiro Tenguna (angolan)

9 září 2007 07:00  

Počet příspěvků: 8
Hi, do you know someone who translates from the ancient Greek to Italian and contrarily? Thanks. ( You very nice) Dandicas

12 září 2007 18:11  

Počet příspěvků: 1549
Thank you, that was nice.

20 září 2007 01:10  

Počet příspěvků: 3
Hola CHRYSSO91, podrias confirmarme si la traduccion del español-griego que me hicieron es correcta???

ESPAÑOL: Si tus sueños se queman, has que renazcan así como el fénix renace de sus cenizas

GRIEGO: Εάν η καύση ονείρων σας, εσείς πρέπει να τους αναβιώσει όπως τις ανόδους του Φοίνικας από τις τέφρες του

Muchas Garcias!! Vi que sos un experta en este idioma. Como habia lo habia explicado antes es para un tatuaje, por eso tiene que ser una traduccion exacta!!

24 prosinec 2007 08:02  

Počet příspěvků: 765
Hi Chrysso!

Καλά Χριστούγεννα και Ευτυχισμένο το Νέο Ετος

Merry Christmas
