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Bústia d'entrada - iepurica

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17 Setembre 2007 15:14  

Nombre de missatges: 2247
better later than never.

Sure! Thanks... When it's yours?

18 Setembre 2007 17:39  

Nombre de missatges: 1263
I am not good at Romanian, I learned a little of it several years ago, but almost forgot, and I can pick up again if you could kindly teach me.

Are you enquiring of my personal attitudes to "gagică"?

But what is gagică? I searched in Romanian dictionary and found "patootle", but what is it?

Is it a bad word, such as gay or les?

19 Setembre 2007 14:57  

Nombre de missatges: 12396
That's what happens with spoilt kids like her here (they do not stay long). I still have a lot of work with all these kinds of texts we do not want on cucumis, and any time I go to the "Search All translations with "cucumis is not a dictionary", or "translations of names", then copy-paste the whole text in an hyperlink, like that :
Nouă (translatorilor) nu ne plac traducerile numelor. Vom anula majoritatea cererilor, dacă nu ne oferiţi detalii suficiente despre ce tip de traducere doriţi (pronunţie, seminificaţie,...) şi unde a ţi căutat (situri specializate sau cărţi) înainte de a introduce traducerea dumneavostră aici.
and after, I also send them the one I sent you above But I usually remove the translation request, which is the most efficient way to let them understand. what I do above is just to illustrate why I removed their request. I still didn't see someone warned this way who resumed the same mistake twice...

19 Setembre 2007 18:33  

Nombre de missatges: 1263
In China, we call prostitute as "chick", and male sex server (male prostitute) as "duck", and we also call gays "duck", maybe, these are quite like the word in your language. Sometimes they are not offensive, but most of time, they are insulting, especially to young people.

20 Setembre 2007 08:15  

Nombre de missatges: 1263
Yes, I find european girls like the name "chick", it means young girl very naive and innocent, so I saw some of these girls in sportswear with Chinese character of "chick"--鸡(Ji), but you know, in Chinese, 鸡 (chicken) and 妓 (prostitute) sound the same, soooooo )

20 Setembre 2007 08:25  

Nombre de missatges: 35
Hi iepurica!

Corect ai facut ca mi-ai anulat traducerea, deoarece am crezut ca o sa apara mai jos in lista care ai mentinut. Am apasat ceva incorect pare mi se. Daca e posibil, ai putea sa-mi spui cum pot adauga traduceri in alte limbi decat the required ones?

Sorry, dar n-am facut-o intentionat.

20 Setembre 2007 09:17  

Nombre de missatges: 35
Oops, sorry, am crezut ca este vorba despre traducerea mea din italiana in rusa. In orice caz intrebarea ramine valida - cum pot sa adaug traducerea intr-o alta limba decait cea ceruta.
Am observat ca mi-ai anulat traducerea numelui. but it was posted and requested for translation. Actually, I don't know what did admins and experts expect from the translators regarding the translation of a name into Romanian. I did it right. And if it was posted (or allowed for posting), it means it should be translated properly. And how should have I proceed? I made the translation. In orice caz poate am facut o greseala in traducere?

cele bune.

24 Setembre 2007 19:18  

Nombre de missatges: 1

27 Setembre 2007 16:36  

Nombre de missatges: 1
stii tatal nostru in franceza?

2 Octubre 2007 20:28  

Nombre de missatges: 56
bridge? for what?

4 Octubre 2007 04:53  

Nombre de missatges: 1
acum am verificat si mi-am dat seama ca ,in loc de "corect", am activat "gresit". Imi pare rau, a fost o neintelegere. Traducerea mi s-a parut chiar f.buna...imi cer scuze ...

6 Octubre 2007 01:14  

Nombre de missatges: 1671
Hello Iepurica,

The lyrics were in "real Japanese" here, so I corrected the source text in accordance with them. (I was happy to have the "real Japanese," because sometimes the text is ambiguous without the Chinese characters to refer to!)

Just FYI, here's what I corrected (not very much):

mou nidoto aeru hohoemi no mae ni
has a logical conflict, and becomes
mou nidoto aenu hohoemi no mae ni

dou sugite
is not Japanese, and should be
tou sugite

mou ichido aenu nara yume no naka de ii
could be right, (it means "if I can never meet you again (in real life), it's okay to meet you in dreams" ) but according to the "real Japanese" lyrics, it should be
mou ichido aeru nara yume no naka de ii

yume kara samete wa kieru anata no egao wo
yume kara samete wa kieru anata no egao mo
because the sentence isn't finished yet...

---(Bridge Begins)---

The moon, that was afraid of being alone, (while it was) hugging the sky,
searched for you, but couldn't see you because of the tears (in its eyes), and (/so) (it) shouted (/screamed)

I, reflected in your eyes (lit: pupils), was smiling (/laughing)
(standing) in front of (your) smile, which I would never meet again
I can see you, (you are) continuing to shout (/scream) in the darkness
too far away

Hold me so strongly (that) I will break
If I can meet you again, even (if I can only meet you) in a dream, it's okay
Please let me sleep forever (lit: give me a forever-sleep)

Hold me so strongly I will break
When I wake up from (the/my) dream, (they) disappear:
your smiling face, and that voice I loved too much
We'll be able to meet again, because (we?/I?) promised to,
so hold (lit. wrap) me gently (/kindly) with love that (is so much that it) overflows
Please let me sleep forever (lit: give me a forever-sleep)

I can't see you...

---(Bridge Ends)---


You can see alternative translations in parentheses like this:

Literal translations are like this:
XXX (lit: YYY)

means the text is ambiguous, and could mean either one.

Other information in parentheses doesn't exist in the original Japanese, but the meaning is like that.

PS: Gackt, the singer, is a man, but in the original Japanese, he is using the words of a woman talking to a man. I don't know if Romanian has special vocabularies for men and women, but if it does, perhaps you should use a woman's vocabulary for talking to a man.


Anyway, I hope it's helpful: have fun translating it into Romanian! If you have any questions about the original or about my bridge, please feel free to ask me anything!

Live, Love, Learn, Laugh...

7 Octubre 2007 02:21  

Nombre de missatges: 1671
Hi iepurica,

Thanks for the points: it was nice working with you!

Let's do it again soon!

11 Octubre 2007 08:50  

Nombre de missatges: 1
Ciao come stai? volevo sapere di più su questo sito...funziona?
Grazie e scusami per il disturbo

11 Octubre 2007 11:17  

Nombre de missatges: 2132
Hi Iepurica,
Here you asked for a bridge.
Bebek yüzlü = with baby-face

14 Octubre 2007 09:05  

Nombre de missatges: 1335
Could you please give me a bridge to

Although Romanian is very similar to French, it would be very helpful if you could translate it into english
Thanks in advance

18 Octubre 2007 08:40  

Nombre de missatges: 2
Hello Could you please translate me this Romanian Iphrase

I guess your message was erased for some reason So thanks again.
The phrase: It will get better and in summer it will be hot...
It is suppose to be a respond for an optimistic promise

18 Octubre 2007 08:57  

Nombre de missatges: 2
Hi there
Yes that's the exact meaning of the phrase
I guess I was wrong to ask an Eglish translation as well
Thanks for your time

18 Octubre 2007 09:34  

Nombre de missatges: 1
Salut sunt noua si nu stiu cum pot traduce un text din engleza in romana,daca puteti sa ma ajutati sau sa-mi dati un sfat,mersi mult.

20 Octubre 2007 15:35  

Nombre de missatges: 1910
Vai mamă ! Nu mă mai bag la ajutor pentru traducere până nu văd că este scris cu caractere româneşti !
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