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22 September 2007 15:37  

จำนวนข้อความ: 1671
Add me as a friend on Facebook if you feel like it: my Facebook page address is on my profile page.

22 September 2007 15:50  

จำนวนข้อความ: 1671
Okay, gotcha. Now I'm going to bed!

22 September 2007 23:34  

จำนวนข้อความ: 1671
Hi Laura,

Sorry 'bout that: Porfyhr and I had already sent some e-mail back and forth about the above translation, but it was in our e-mail boxes, and not where it should have been, under the translation...

Did you want to take it from here, or would you like me to finish the editing and validation?

I'm gettin' the hang of this, I really am...Just a little slow, is all...

23 September 2007 06:07  

จำนวนข้อความ: 1671
Oh - Sorry 'bout that! Because you had called for the consensus poll about it (clicked on that "I can't understand the source text" thingy, I thought you might have wanted to take that translation on, and I didn't want to get in your way if you did...

Until now, I've kinda been going about the selection of which translation to validate by using a "first come first served" approach, where if I see anyone else has called for a poll, I'll let them make the final validation too. I was worried that if someone was willing to do the brainwork to think about the translation to the point of asking for a consensus poll, that they might resent me then pulling the rug out from under them, if I just tromped in and validated it. So I was thinking if someone else had already started work on validating a translation, that it would likely be best to let them finish it too...

In this case, however, you would have had no way of knowing that me and Porfyhr had already had some correspondence about the translation, because our e-mail had been sent to each other's inboxes, and was not visible under the translation where it should have been. (My fault, live and learn; I don't plan to make that same mistake again, of course..)

So I just wanted to make sure you hadn't built up a head of steam to finish validating that translation, which then would make you unpleasantly surprised to find someone else (yours truly) cutting in and validating it instead.

Y'know that Hippocratic Oath of "Above all, do no harm"? Well, I guess I've got this Japanese Oath of "Above all, make no enemies..."

Just tryin to step on as few toes as possible around here!

23 September 2007 15:04  

จำนวนข้อความ: 1671
Thanks! I guess I have some rough sledding!

Git along, little dogies...

24 September 2007 01:48  

จำนวนข้อความ: 2481 sayfasına bakar mısın?

24 September 2007 22:17  

จำนวนข้อความ: 1
o que tem de errado na minha traduçao filhote?
ñ entendi
obs:nome do texto l.m.l

25 September 2007 11:44  

จำนวนข้อความ: 4
If you look at the cabala tree, you will see this word as one of the sephirats. I onhly wnat to understand the meaning. I ask for the translations taking the word from there. If you made a research "cabala tree" you will find what and why i´m trying to understand better. thanks in advance

26 September 2007 12:26  

จำนวนข้อความ: 4
Thanks. In fact there is a meaning (may be a translation). I´ll read this text later when i have enough time to do it. Thanks again

26 September 2007 14:01  

จำนวนข้อความ: 4
Some of them was told me by a cabala reader. And i wanted to understand better what he told me. There is something about my vocation and the things i have to deal in this life. Thats why i was trying do find out

29 September 2007 04:10  

จำนวนข้อความ: 5
I was wondering how to get in contact with the administrator. I want to ask a question. Do you know? You sound more experienced than I do. Thanks

29 September 2007 16:48  

casper tavernello
จำนวนข้อความ: 5057
Ok! I meant those you marked. I have rating for corean, chinese, polish...(all them copy-and-paste as your portuguese).

29 September 2007 18:09  

จำนวนข้อความ: 2118
Hi Kafetzou,

thank you so much again for your help!!

1 October 2007 03:07  

จำนวนข้อความ: 2132
bonjour Kafetzou,
J'ai modifié cette traduction

1 October 2007 09:55  

จำนวนข้อความ: 1
salut commen ça va? mon amie

1 October 2007 21:01  

จำนวนข้อความ: 2118
hi Kafetzou,

Im confused about my last translation which was validated by you. my last point was 721 and that translation would earn me 206 points, so it would be 927, but now I have 938 points :S Did you give me extra points? is there such a possibility? if so, and if you do so, I wanna thank you, that is reason of my meassage!

good bye

2 October 2007 03:30  

จำนวนข้อความ: 1180
Me voy a dormir, te dejo un beso de buenas coches.

10 October 2007 07:12  

จำนวนข้อความ: 1655
Oh no. I was very careful. I thought twice about it...going to change it....

10 October 2007 18:01  

จำนวนข้อความ: 1655
No problem! Thak you for our correction.

By the way, I think it should be Sono dipendente da cucumis / Sono un "cucumisdipendente"

But your sentence strcture is right, although the word "addicto" doesn't exist. The CT couple, common in Latin, is hardly found in Italian; it is often replaced by Z (action -> azione) or TT (act -> atto)...

I was saying, the structure of your sentence is ok: it would have been ok with another word: e.g. Sono un utente di Cucumis (I'm a cucumis user).

11 October 2007 06:49  

จำนวนข้อความ: 1655
(Molte grazie)
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