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Inbox - Xini

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20 July 2007 07:05  

จำนวนข้อความ: 1014
Oh no, ofcourse not..
like Francky said: you can try but it's not allowed to reply

thanks anyways!

21 July 2007 07:54  

จำนวนข้อความ: 2
We would like you to translate the translation number 175 fro italian to english please.
Thanks for your reply.
Here is the ail address below

23 July 2007 08:45  

จำนวนข้อความ: 4
sai come si fa a eliminare l'account qui su cucumis??? risp.

23 July 2007 09:01  

จำนวนข้อความ: 4


1 August 2007 14:58  

จำนวนข้อความ: 3706
Thanks, Xini!

I liked it very much... He is so liar, so smart, the one who never gets in disvantage... Very worthy to be read.

1 August 2007 18:20  

จำนวนข้อความ: 744
your avatar is sssssspppoookyyyyy

3 August 2007 18:11  

casper tavernello
จำนวนข้อความ: 5057
Ciao, Xini!
I just want to ask if you know 'I Ribelli'.
I want one of their lyrics.

3 August 2007 18:27  

casper tavernello
จำนวนข้อความ: 5057
I have this song from '66 -Enchinza Bubu-.
I can't find any on the net.
But thanks anyway.

4 August 2007 10:48  

จำนวนข้อความ: 793
I saw your swedish-french translation,

"Odla tillfälligheter"/ 'Cultiver les chanses'

Which is "Odla möjligheterna".
I would suggest to use a word describing cultivating the sudden incidence. The word "tillfällighet" is more negative than "möjlighet" which is a positive possibility to do something, a chance for developing sth for the future. A "tillfällighet" is alway sth that occurs suddenly with no connection to the past or the future.
"Tillfället gör tjuven"
*Opportunity makes the thief*


4 August 2007 10:55  

จำนวนข้อความ: 793
Ingen orsak,

I just try to spread my fantastic language in the most positive way to those who are interested.


4 August 2007 11:42  

จำนวนข้อความ: 793
in order to get rid of some swedish translations, may I ask you what you would translate this to into english: "cambio necessita assist"?

Tackar på förhand!

4 August 2007 17:05  

จำนวนข้อความ: 793
Thank you Xini!

I thought it was strange. I´ll spek to the member who sent it!

Anyhow, I have started a project for gathering the translations of latin quotes and expressions. I've added approx 350 expressions in alphabetical order.

I wonder if you would be interested to add your translations to the project or if you prefer to send them to me and I'll add them.

Please do not hesitate to correct me if I've missed letters or if you find sth else is strange...

Critic is very welcome!

Bästa hälsningar

9 August 2007 12:12  

จำนวนข้อความ: 793
I made a latin translation ('vive hodie') from swedish a couple of days ago and that translation has disappeared? have you erased it?


9 August 2007 12:28  

จำนวนข้อความ: 793
Yes I found it by the URL you showed, but I can't find it among my done translations... strange. I thought the member had left cucumis or that it already was translated. I thought translators could remove translated translations.

Anyhow, thank you, everything is under control then!

5 September 2007 14:47  

จำนวนข้อความ: 4
Oii você pode tradusir para o Latim a seguinte frase: O amor tudo vencerá !

Obrigada espero a tua resposta

5 September 2007 14:57  

จำนวนข้อความ: 4
eu não sei onde muda ! se vc puder mudar para mim eu agradeço
i agradeço muito mais se der para traduzir


5 September 2007 15:01  

จำนวนข้อความ: 4
pronto.. consegui acrescentar o latim ja esta como traduçao oficial


16 September 2007 12:19  

จำนวนข้อความ: 793
I who do not speak Italian have made an effort to translate your Cage text. Lets see if it will be the third rejected.


16 September 2007 13:56  

จำนวนข้อความ: 793
But then you know the meaning. Let me help you with the terminology and Tantine the English...

17 September 2007 19:46  

จำนวนข้อความ: 793
do you have time to bridge me this poemor do you prefer to translate it by yourself.

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