Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Hộp Tin Đến - v0176

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3 Tháng 2 2007 21:17  

Tổng số bài gửi: 3785
Hi, your account has been deactivated. We ask that translations are done in your native language, which you seem not to unerstand. You have more rejected translations than accepted ones... When you clearly understand the rule, use the contact form.

4 Tháng 2 2007 16:37  

Tổng số bài gửi: 849
v0176 Your Greek translations seem to come from an automatic translation tool. Since I don't even see Greek listed in your profile as a language which you can read/talk please stop making translations to and from Greek. They are in their vast majority completely wrong.