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Inbox - tarinoidenkertoja

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29 October 2009 18:56  

Number of messages: 261
or maybe the beginning means: "If indeed we consider the previous books to be legal ones/judicial..."?

5 November 2009 18:12  

Aneta B.
Number of messages: 4487
Tu me non intellexisti, care Amice. Ego te petulantem non habeo. Minime! Opiniones contrarias mihi non molestant. Ut mea fert opinio disputandum esse! Certissime mihi constat! Ignosce mihi, si actiones meae tibi non placuerunt. Ego magistra linguae Latinae sum, sed discere continuo. Ergo una discamus!
Optime tibi eveniant omnia! Bonum vesperum!

29 October 2011 18:22  

Aneta B.
Number of messages: 4487
Hi Tarino,
You have voted that the translation may be improved, but you didn't say any suggestions. Could you tell me what you think should be changed?
Thank you for your help.
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