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Srećan Uskrs!!!

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19 April 2009 14:30  

Number of messages: 1206
Hristos Voskrese!

Srećan Uskrs svima i sve najlepše vam želim!!!

Hristos Voskrese

20 April 2009 19:29  

Number of messages: 567



20 April 2009 20:17  

Number of messages: 12396
Oh yeah! it was on 19th for Orthodox Christians!
Heyy! I was wondering why galka wished it to me only today! (what an ignorant I am!)

So thanks for your wishes! Happy Easter for you too!

 Pâques orthodoxe.gif

20 April 2009 21:30  

Number of messages: 8114
Happy late Easter


5 April 2010 18:55  

Number of messages: 567

Srećan Uskrs svima! Hristos Voskrese!


24 April 2011 12:07  

Number of messages: 1206
Hristos Vaskrse!

Hristos Vaskrse

15 April 2012 15:29  

Number of messages: 1206
Hristos Voskrese!

Vreme mira i radosti.
Vaskrs je do podne crven, a od podneva - zelen.
Izreka našeg naroda o ovom prazniku mnogo govori o njemu. Za razliku od Božića, Vaskrs ne podrazumeva mnogo običaja, ali bez obzira na to, predstavlja najradosniji dan u godini. On simboliše pobedu svetlosti nad tamom i zbog toga se slavi kao najveći hrišćanski praznik, koji obeležava gotovo dve milijarde ljudi širom planete.

Iako su sliku idealnog praznika Hristovog vaskrsnuća menjala vremena u kojima su ljudi živeli, suština je ostala netaknuta.

Na dan koji započnete pozdravom „Mir Božji, Hristos vaskrse“ i odgovorom „Vaistinu vaskrse“, zaboravite na probleme i besparicu. Jer, to je vreme kad se cela porodica okuplja i kad je jedino važno da na stolu ima dovoljno obojenih jaja. Ona predstavljaju simbol koji datira još od vremena kada je Marija Magdalena caru Tiberiju poklonila jaje govoreći mu da je Isus vaskrsao, ali simbolišu i nov život i snagu, jer pile samo iznutra razbija ljusku i izlazi na svetlost dana.

Zato je osnovna dužnost svakog hrišćanina, i to kroz vekove, da se na uskršnje jutro „omrsi“ skuvanim i obojenim jajima.

Pored odlaska u crkvu na jutrenje i poklanjanja i primanja uskršnjih jaja, tucanje jajima deo je stare simbolike koju nosi ovaj praznik. Svako razbijeno kuvano jaje predstavlja otvaranje puta u izobilje, jer da bi seme bačeno u zemlju donelo nove plodove, pre toga mora da se ovlaži i raspukne. Zato se svako razbijeno jaje odnosi kao nagrada.

Ovaj praznik vremenom postaje sve važniji za porodicu. Zbog sve dužeg radnog dana i činjenice da su deca postala željna svojih roditelja, svaki trenutak proveden u krugu najbližih dar je sam po sebi. Zato se potrudite da na što lepši način isplanirate dragoceno vreme.

Bilo da odlučite da prihvatite zapadne običaje traženja uskršnjih jaja koja je ostavio uskršnji zeka ili da organizujete turnir u razbijanju jaja, vodite računa da taj dan posvetite onima koje volite. Kome se ovi običaji ne dopadaju, uvek može da osmisli nove, koji će preći u porodičnu tradiciju.

Na kraju, nemojte da dopustite da vam kriza i nemaština upropaste najlepši porodični praznik. Ne razmišljajte o poklonima niti o onome što nemate. Budite zahvalni na onome što imate.

Hristos vaskrse!

Preuzeto sa:

15 April 2012 16:20  

Aneta B.
Number of messages: 4487
Wow! That's really interesting, Maki. Google translation seems to be not so bad this time...
I never knew about the symbolism of broken eggs on Easter! Thanks for sharing, even if it is only in Serbian.

"Christ is risen" --> "He is risen indeed!" (We tend to say the same in our Polish tradition)


15 April 2012 18:14  

Number of messages: 8114
Interesting indeed. And yes... Google translate isn't that bad. Thanks for sharing Mariija

I liked the last part very much... 'Finally, do not let the crisis and poverty destroy the most beautiful family holiday. Do not think about gifts or what you have. Be thankful for what you have.'

15 April 2012 19:50  

Number of messages: 1206
I'm glad you liked the text, girls.

I don't know about your country... In Serbia, we are used to sharing eggs when visiting our relatives and friends. Then we all like to find out who got the strongest egg.

Just a minor correction:
"...Do not think about gifts or what you have..." --> "...Do not think about gifts or what you don't have..."

16 April 2012 14:00  

Number of messages: 8114
Common here too (Sweden)! (egg fights )

NOT a minor correction! =) One word can change a whole sentence!! Strange, I interpreted it that way anyway... great thought!

15 April 2012 21:13  

Aneta B.
Number of messages: 4487
Egg fights! What a name, Pia!
Anyway I also love the last lines of the text...

I don't think this is very common here in Poland to exchange Easter eggs, but I have been doing it with some of my friends for a few last years. It seems to be my individual custom here!

But our Polish Easter eggs, as the Polish name for them indicates, "pisanki" (=written stuff?) are not only coloured but also painted and we put also some writings in them, just like in these ones by me:

these ones by me.

15 April 2012 21:44  

Number of messages: 1206
Wow, I like your eggs very much, Aneta!

We call them 'Å¡arena jaja' (multicolored eggs).

What do you use for coloring?
We have special colors just for eggs and we put one in the water when boiling. For making them more interesting we use some tricks like putting the egg and peaces of onion and garlic skin inside a nylon sock. Then we boil them with egg color. They should look like these:

Å arena jaja

This is just one of the ways.

17 April 2012 00:21  

Number of messages: 8114
Um :/ 'egg fight' is maybe wrong word Aneta, but here is a description from a website: 'In certain parts of Sweden the custom of äggapickning was (still IS) observed. People gathered on Easter morning with hardboiled eggs in their pockets. Two players stood opposite each other, one holding his egg still and the other using his for attack. There were strict rules - end to end, never the sides. The winner was the one whose egg remained unbroken after the assault.'

We colour and paint our eggs too Yours are beautiful! It is said that we do this to fight off bad spirits, very old custom, still living today, even if I think the motif for doing it is a bit different now, people do this as a nice thing to gather around =)

15 April 2012 22:16  

Aneta B.
Number of messages: 4487
Yes, we have also many methods for decorating the eggs. Have a look here, pls. In comparison to them, mine are pretty ugly! Anyway, happy you like them, dear friends.
Each year I paint them differently. This year I just used regular markers.

My God, Pia! You really fight with the eggs! Well, I thought they were to be eaten on breakfast after the morning service in church, as they symbolise the Risen Christ as we could read it in the article above.

17 April 2012 00:21  

Number of messages: 8114
Don't worry, they will be eaten after the fight. Nothing will be wasted!

I think you can use a lot of things for colouring: beetroot, birch leaves, blueberry, turmeric etc.

15 April 2012 22:23  

Aneta B.
Number of messages: 4487
Oh, yeah natural dyes are preferable, because we can avoid poisoning them.
Well, I was a bit afraid that my markers could make them inedible if I broke them before drying...

17 April 2012 00:21  

Number of messages: 8114
I was only thinking about colouring for the water, when boiling them. I haven't painted eggs for a long time, but your discussion here brings back childhood memories Is it hard to find non chemical dyes or other additives today?

17 April 2012 00:22  

Number of messages: 8114
(I mean in markers)

16 April 2012 12:30  

Aneta B.
Number of messages: 4487
Well, as far as bluberries are concerned, I can find them even in the forest near my place...

Pia, shouldn't we feel ashamed? We started occupying even Serbian forums!
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