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Отримане - karchung

Результати 1 - 3 з 3

17 Червня 2007 23:27  

Кількість повідомлень: 1263
Thank you very much, I have edited.

22 Вересня 2007 03:46  

Кількість повідомлень: 1671
Hi karchung,

re: this translation

Thanks for your fine translation into English!

Just a small point: can we say
I hope to make many friends to chat with
instead of
It would be nice to have a new friend to chat with

Because the rest of your translation is perfect, I wonder why you changed this part: was there some kind of nuance to the Chinese that I didn't understand?

22 Вересня 2007 07:59  

Кількість повідомлень: 1671
Hi Karen,

Thanks for your explanation!

I didn't know that Chinese expression


But now I do, thanks to you!

PS: I'm a great fan of 四季春: I get it here in Niigata from a Taiwan tea shop lady!

I guess I can validate your translation now!