Arf... Thanks for the advice about "Wendy" (I did not know that I must put translation in greek alphabet.
For the second translation, if your french is rusty, the member kafetzou has done it in english :
"Shake well before use. Place the point on the paper. Press. Close well after use. Keep out of reach of children. Do not swallow or inhale. Contains aliphatic solvents."
It was accepted, so you can evaluate mine in Greek. You are the only greek expert...
P.S : About the inboxes I totally agree with you.
It is the first time that I can read the messages of the aothers members... It is scandalous !
P.S 2 : Minus and Cortex (on your avatar) exist in grece ? I love this anime ! That's so funny !
P.S : Arf, and sorry to do not write you in greek, I am not on my greek keybard