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翻訳 - As the stone, and the tree are the last place, the watercourse... (英語 )

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2012年 2月 2日 20:19  

Arnavut Biberi
投稿数: 74
I think, it has been translated by another user. Oups.

2012年 2月 2日 22:26  

投稿数: 1331
Bunu ben çevirmiştim ama reddedildi. Orijinalinde noktalama işaretlerinde sorun var kanımca. Ben de araştırdım ama tam bir netice alamadım. Şu siteden yola çıkarak bence şöyle olmalı:

1 - Dikme (taş): ağaç son nokta olduğu gibi dere yol başlangıcını ve sonu anlatır.

2 - İşaret başlangıcı (geçit): iki tepe, iki yol, iki ağaç iki dere define başlama yeridir buradan başlanır.

3 - Teslis (kutsal üçleme): üç tepe üç yol üç ağaç üç dere üç kuyu üç tane olacak malın yerini gösterir veya nerde olduğunu başka işaretlerle bildirir.

2012年 2月 2日 22:30  

Arnavut Biberi
投稿数: 74
Evet, daha anlamlı duruyor. Yaptığım çeviriyi iptal etme gibi bi' seçeneğim var mı?

2012年 2月 2日 22:35  

投稿数: 1331

2012年 2月 2日 22:36  

Arnavut Biberi
投稿数: 74
Tamamen silemez miyim?

2012年 2月 2日 22:40  

投稿数: 1331
Baktım ama öyle bir şey yok. Bir yöneticiye pm göndermeyi deneyin bir de.

2012年 2月 2日 22:44  

Arnavut Biberi
投稿数: 74
Sizin gönderdiğiniz Türkçe metine göre düzenledim biraz. Ama oldu mu emin değilim, değiştireyim o şekilde. Zaten yanlışsa reddedilir.

2012年 2月 2日 22:53  

投稿数: 1331
Ben bilmiyorum, karışmak istemiyorum buna Metin anlaşılır değil (ben anlamadım açıkcası). Neden çevirmeye kalkıştım onu da bilmiyorum Kafanı karıştırmak istemem. Emin değilsen eğer dediğim gibi bir yöneticiye bildir isteğini.

2012年 2月 2日 22:57  

Arnavut Biberi
投稿数: 74
Ben de pek anlamadım, çeviri yapmam lazım, sınavıma bu şekilde hazırlanmaya çalışıyorum. Ve sanırım bundan başka da Türkçe metin yok. Şimdilik kalsın bakalım, şansımı deneyeyim Yanlışsa direkt çöpe

2012年 2月 2日 23:07  

投稿数: 1331
Desene aynı kafadanız. Ama şunu söyleyeyim benim geçen hafta yeterlilik sınavım vardı geçemedim maalesef

2012年 2月 2日 23:21  

Arnavut Biberi
投稿数: 74
Öyle mi? Üzüldüm. İngilizceniz güzel bence, geçemediğinize göre sınav baya zor olmalı. Ama yine de iyi bir seviyeden başlatırlar bence.

2012年 2月 3日 00:13  

投稿数: 12396
Thanks for the link Arnavut Biberi, I'm sorry I just saw it when logging in this evening.

This is not a translation though, it is the original text that was submitted with Arabic as the target language.

I'll request a translation into Arabic from here, this will avoid two English versions.

2012年 2月 3日 00:32  

Arnavut Biberi
投稿数: 74
But I am confused Francky, Mesud said to me that he had translated this into English but his translation was refused. I have translated it, but then saw another translation. So, my translation will be deleted? If it was the original text, how it could be asked to be translated into English from Turkish again?

2012年 2月 3日 00:51  

投稿数: 12396
Hehe! Don't be confused, there is no problem, the requester (Aomar75)will have his translation into Turkish and Arabic, and he will even have two versions in English for the price of one!


2012年 2月 3日 01:00  

Arnavut Biberi
投稿数: 74
Wow Okay then

2012年 3月 7日 16:14  

投稿数: 3389
Hi Arnavut Biberi

I am sorry it has taken a while to start evaluating this one.
Bellow are some questions and suggestions; please let me know what you think

1- As the stone and the tree mark the last place, the watercourse describes the beginning and the end of the way.
2- The sign of beginning (canal) what is the word 'canal' doing here? Is it the canal that marks the beginning? In that case, I think 'the canal' would be better.: two hills, two ways, two trees, two watercourses indicate the place of beginning of treasurewould that be 'the place where the treasure is'? Or 'the place where treasure starts' maybe, if treasure is to be found over a larger area?; it is started to dig from there.this is not a correct sentence in English. Is this intended as a command? In that case it should be 'start digging (from) there'
3- The holy trinity: three hills, three ways, three trees, three watercourses, three wells indicate the place of three goods or indicate where these are with other signs.

2012年 3月 7日 23:47  

投稿数: 1331
I think the Turkish the submitter wrote is really confusing because of punctuation. This is what I got:

1- A post (stone): just as a tree is the last point so a valley tells the beginning and end of the road. (this sentence might sound strange but I translated literally.)

2- The beginning of a trace (a passage): two hills, two roads, two trees and two valleys are places of starting to find treasure. These are starting points.

3- The Trinity (the holy Trinity): three hills, three roads, three trees, three valleys and three wells show the location of three goods that will exist or indicate where they are with different signs.


2012年 3月 13日 17:44  

Arnavut Biberi
投稿数: 74
Hey Lein,

in the first sentence, i used "canal" because in turkish sentence, the submitter used "geçit iki tepe". I think i meant two hills here but also these hills are "geçit" i have used "canal" here as an adjective of these hills but i am not sure if it is correct. "passage" may be correct as Mesud said.

in second sentence; there are mistakes in my sentence, i have read the suggestion of Mesud, and we can use his sentence instead of mine here

and in last sentence, we can use your suggestion (where these are), it is ok and does not change the meaning.

2012年 3月 13日 18:03  

投稿数: 3389
Thank you! I have edited and set a poll.
It sounds like the original is confusing; let's see if anyone else has any good suggestions

2012年 3月 13日 18:57  

投稿数: 3769
1-A stone , a tree can be like the last point, the watercourse can describe also the beginning and the end of the way.
2- The beginning point of a trace (a passage): two hills, two roads, two trees and two valleys are the places of starting to bury. It begins from here.
3- The holy trinity: three hills, three ways, three trees, three watercourses, three wells indicate the place of three goods or indicate their place with other signs.

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