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Skrzynka odbiorcza - MollyWyniki 1 - 2 spośród około 2 | | | 23 Styczeń 2008 11:07 | | ÃŽmi pare foarte rău, dar textul nu este editat corect (punctul numărul 5 din lista care apare la introducerea unui text spre traducere), aÅŸa că se anulează cererea de traducere. La trei texte introduse în acelaÅŸi mod, se face cerere de anulare a contului. | | 23 Styczeń 2008 15:04 | | If you prefer to talk in English... than ok.
First, it is not about any punnishment. When you have introduced the text for translation it was an entire list of rules in the begining. I will present them one more time bellow:
"Submission rules
[1] NO "TRANSLATION" OF NAMES. Cucumis.org does not accept name translations anymore, except inside a larger text whose sole purpose is not the name translation itself.
[2] NO DUPLICATE REQUESTS. Before submitting your text to be translated, please perform a search using some significant words of your text to find whether it has already been translated on Cucumis.org.
[3] NO HOMEWORK. The goal of Cucumis.org is not to do your homework. This kind of request will be removed by the administrators.
[4] NO SINGLE OR ISOLATED WORDS. Cucumis.org is not a dictionary and will only accept requests for translations of single or isolated words when a good reason has been given in the request comments.
[5] PUNCTUATION, ACCENTS AND ORIGINAL SCRIPT ARE REQUIRED. If you are a native speaker of the text's source language, you should submit your text in the original script of the language, with all punctuation and accents required by that language. If not, your request may be removed by the administrators.
[6] PROOFREAD YOUR TEXT. If you have written or transcribed your text yourself, please check it for errors, even if you don't know the language it is written in. Texts with errors are very difficult for translate.
[7] EXPLAIN THE CONTEXT. Write a comment about your request, explaining the context. Unclear texts can lead to request removal"
Read ne more time the 5-th rule from that list and you'll see that, even if it is "friendly-translation-exchange site" as you said, those are the rules. More than that, in the Romanian page of the iste states very clearly:
"[5] Punctuaţia, accentele şi caracterele originale sunt obligatorii (în cazul limbii române, diacriticele ă, â, î, ş and ţ). Dacă sunteţi un vorbitor nativ al limbii textului-sursă, ar trebui să submiteţi textul cu caracterele alfabetului acelei limbi, cu punctuaţia şi accentele cerute de limbă. În caz contrar, cererea dumneavoastră ar putea fi înlăturată de administratori."
Besides, I guess you are Romanian as long as you have been written all that explanation under the text in a perfect language.
These being said, I have nothing more to add, you have to understand that I don't have anything against anybody, I don't try to be the "bad wolf", I just apply the rules the experts and administrators have established some time ago. And you are not the only user whose text have been cancelled or whose translations have been rejected. |
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