Cucumis - Ingyenes fordito szerviz közvetlen vonalban
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Érkezett fiók - WlmShk

Erdmények 1-4 a teljesböl korülbelül 4

28 Június 2009 16:16  

Hozzászólások száma: 970

Un mic "tip"

Comentariile, observaţiile la orice fel de traducere (în afară de traduceri din alta limbă în limba română) trebuie postate în limba engleză! Nu de alta, dar sunt muuuuuulţi care nu ştiu română şi sunt şi mai muuuulţi cei care înţeleg engleza

Şi ca "răspuns" la una din întrebările tale, după ce se setează un poll (vot), numai expertul sau administratorul care l-a setat mai poate face modificări în traducere. Tu poţi să scrii acolo la comentarii ce ai dori să schimbi, şi... dacă şi ea/el e de acord, se face modificarea.

O zi super!

30 Június 2009 11:20  

Hozzászólások száma: 2247
Hi George.

Cucumis is indeed a wonderful place to be. Although I'm a little busy with studies this year and I can't be here as I used to be before...

And yes, the postcard idea was really great too.
goncin is the one managing the postcard exchange. You should talk to him about it.

Thaís Vieira.

29 Július 2009 20:43  

Hozzászólások száma: 4611
Hello George. Thanks so much for your birthday greeting. Hope to see some translations from you soon.

And now my turn to wish a a happy birthday, though I'm one day late. Hope you had a nice day yesterday.

18 Augusztus 2009 23:11  

Aneta B.
Hozzászólások száma: 4487
Sorry for may late reply, but I hadn't got much time in the morning.

Let's try to analyse your translation from Latin:

Although he became accustomed to control the feeling of getting angry,

1. I am not English expert, but we should say:

"be accustomed to (doing) sth" (not "to do" sth)

2. "moderate" isn't a verb. It is an adverb --> not excessively, moderately... so we should say: "he got moderately angry" or "he irritated a little".

he would still prefered not to had much influence upon it:

1. to had --> ???

2. he would still prefered --> what kind of tense did you use? Maybe you meant "he would prefer", it will be FUTURE IN THE PAST, but we can't use the tense. It doesn't fit here. We rather should use PAST SIMPLE: "He didn't want to be able (to get angry)" or "he prefered not being able..."

3. "(to have) influence upon it" doesn't fit here too.

He tought it the most agreeable/acceptable not to knew who had sinned and what kind of sin.

1. most agreeable/acceptable. I wouldn't choose these meanings here.
"gratissimum" we can translate here as "the nicest" "the most desired". I translated "the greatest", because it is more general word and expresses the real meaning here.

2. not to knew --> ??? (it is not correct English, sorry. The same kind of error which is above: "to had"

Well. I'm really glad you want to learn Latin. We need more Latin translators here... Remember you can always count on my help.
My best regards, Jurek!