Cucumis - Ingyenes fordito szerviz közvetlen vonalban
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Érkezett fiók - sebacba

Erdmények 1-1 a teljesböl korülbelül 1

2 Június 2007 03:47  

Hozzászólások száma: 2
Ho, I'm sorry, i think you understand spanish. Please excuse my english couse is not so good (I can reed but my wrigth is not soo good.
Well, on the last message i ask you about the way to get points. The metter is about the page have no faq or help about the way to get some points. I traduce some think's but i don't get point for them.
So, i ask you about that.
On te past mesagge (message/mesagge?) i said the Faröe Islands must be a beatiful place. I found that name like a very musical word, I' mean. Just the name is almost poetry.
Well, I hope you take a minutes to answer me