Cucumis - Ingyenes fordito szerviz közvetlen vonalban
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Érkezett fiók - HansHeineken

Erdmények 1-4 a teljesböl korülbelül 4

18 Február 2008 11:42  

Hozzászólások száma: 12396
HansHeineken, this site is very young, and before all the dialects you told to be added, and the whole cucumis interface to be translated into those dialects, I guess the spent time will be equivalent to at least time that was spent between WW2 and nowadays !

And telling that gathering languages that aren't listed yet on cucumis under the "other languages" banner is a lack of respect is just to be irrealistic, our willing by doing so was sure not relative to any lack of respect, and anyone who's got an idea about the amount of work represented by translation of the cucumis interface into another language would not even dare to ask this kind of questions.

This site is improved everyday, by members themselves, but please do not expect that in two years and some all the languages spoken and writen all over the world would be represented as fast as it takes to snap your fingers. If you ever feel able to translate the whole cucumis interface into ONE of the dialects you told, please ask the webmaster about it;


21 Február 2008 15:14  

Hozzászólások száma: 2
I commented your translation below:

The original:

1. AWO-Abt. Friedenau
"Gymnastik in kleiner Gruppe, anschließend Kaffe- und Teerunde
16-18 Uhr "Mietschuldenberatung"

My translation:

1. AWO *you should translate this term*-department, Friedenau
"Gymnastic *gymnastics* in small group*s*, included *including* *a* coffee and tea round.
"Homework's help" *Homework help*
"Cook group" *cooking group*
16-18 hour *4-6pm* "time to advise problems"

your translation:

1. Community Service-Department. Suburb of Friedenau.
Exercises in small groups followed by Coffee and Cake
"Private lessons"
"Homework assistance"
"Cooking group"
4pm - 6pm "Rental-debt advice"


27 Március 2008 15:44  

Hozzászólások száma: 74
How can you choose to translate this senrence incorrectly - just after I have done it incorrectly too and put a lot of notes about why it was incorrect?

Habibi means "my dear" most of the times, som to translate it to "min elskede" is chosing a narrow connotation, which you cannot know to be true unless you have extra notes concerning the original text. HABIBI is only when it is said TO A MAN. HABIBATI is only when it is said TO A WOMAN. If a woman says HABIBI to a man it may very well mean "my love", but if she says it to her brother or her father or a friend I think "my dear" or "my darling" or even "my friend" would be a more correct translation/connotation, since HABIBI is used very frequently.

7 Àprilis 2008 19:32  

Hozzászólások száma: 1014
You should drink Stella, Maes, Jupiler, Duvel, Hoegaarden, those are Belgian beers.

Westvleeteren is the best beer in the world, although it's very hard to get this kind of beer (never drank it though )