Cucumis - Ingyenes fordito szerviz közvetlen vonalban
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Érkezett fiók - wokerwep

Erdmények 1-1 a teljesböl korülbelül 1

20 Szeptember 2007 10:48  

Hozzászólások száma: 849
Hola! I cannot write in Spanish all that well so you will excuse me if I use English, I hope

The translation is wrong I'm afraid. I am not sure I got the meaning correctly but if the meaning is
"If you dreams are destroyed, you can rise again as the phoenix rises from its ashes" and you want to keep the "burn" in the first part then something like

"Αν τα όνειρά σου καούν, μπορείς να υψωθείς ξανά όπως ο φοίνικας από τις στάχτες του"

Tell me if I got something wrong!