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| 19 Július 2007 15:16 |
|  Selam, hersey iyi, sen nasilsin?
Ben yardim edebilirsiniz?
Çok tesekkur ederim.
| 19 Július 2007 17:06 |
| Hi !
what does this mean?
iyi bak kendine
then I can translate to dutch!
tristangun |
| 19 Július 2007 17:58 |
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| 20 Július 2007 06:30 |
| Heya!
I got a question!
there are 11 texts that has to be translated from turkish into dutch!
I don't speak any turkish; except güle güle!
could you translate them into english? so I can translate into dutch!
we could split up the points? 50/50?
this is 1 link already,
tristangun |
| 20 Július 2007 06:40 |
| Ooh! I am sorry,
I'll send you any other link then
here are already a few of them
there are about 2000 points to earn, so that's 1000/1000
| 20 Július 2007 07:02 |
| doesn't that cost any points?  |
| 20 Július 2007 07:07 |
| If I request a new language, I don't get any points for it
because it costs me same points to request a new language
so now, you get all the points
couldn't you give like, a translation in the discussion area? then I just translated it from there! afterwards I donate you 50% of the points!
tristangun |
| 20 Július 2007 07:11 |
| Hi Serba
Sorry to trouble you but can you tell me what
"Bunun kaynak dilini kim deÄŸiÅŸtirdi" means?
It is a message on a redflagged page that I have to check and I don't know what it means. There are two angry looking smileys after it so I imagine that its an angry message?
Thanks for your help
| 20 Július 2007 07:12 |
| look
if I offer for like turkish - dutch
that will cost me e.g. - 95 points, afterwards! you request to translate into dutch!
this will cost you also - 95 points  but you got 95 points for translating mine  and I get 95 points for translating yours
then we both get 0 points
think about that  |
| 20 Július 2007 07:19 |
| I don't think I am smart.. :S
my offer was:
you got below the text, a discussion area..
you could might give the english translation there.
so when I translate it, I look to the discussion area, and then I can translate it in dutch.
afterwards I donate you half of the points.
and you do lose points for requesting another language, so if you request for dutch, you'll lose points, and when I request for english, I'll lose points, so we both get no points |
| 20 Július 2007 07:37 |
| I've translated the first text you've translated into english!
after we done all, I donate you half of the points
| 20 Július 2007 07:47 |
| hi, I have to go for a while!
if you got any time, you could translate others, and when I am back, I'll translate them immediately!
tristangun |
| 21 Július 2007 08:03 |
| teşekkür ederim Serba
Tantine |
| 28 Július 2007 06:22 |
 CisaHozzászólások száma: 765 | Hi Serba,
could you please take a look at this translation, what does it mean? Thank you a lot
http://www.cucumis.org/translation_1_t/view-the-translation_v_74065.html#h |
| 29 Július 2007 16:43 |
 CisaHozzászólások száma: 765 | Hi Serba!
Could you please tell me these in Turkish? It´s for my wiki article.
I love
Thanks a lot,
Cisa |
| 31 Július 2007 12:38 |
| Serba,
would you please be so kind and tell me what this means in english: BU MUTLU GUNUMUZDE?
Thank you in advance!
| 1 Augusztus 2007 13:48 |
| Thanks a lot for your help.
| 2 Augusztus 2007 08:02 |
 elmotaHozzászólások száma: 744 | hello serba, can you help me get rid of this old evaluation please? Can you translate this into English so that I can evaluate the Arabic one? Thank you (its a bit long but I would appreciate it)
"Banane gelecekse dunyanin sonu
Bitecekse bitsin artik hayat sonu
Korkum yok icim rahat huzurla dolu
Aski yasadim senle bir omur boyu
Yuzuumdeki cizgilerin bile adi sen
Aldigim hernefesin sebebi sen
Dunyaya bir daha gelsem sevgilim
Arar bulurum yine seni severim
Cenneti degsimem sacinin teline
Omrumun yettigi kadar seni severim.
" |
| 3 Augusztus 2007 14:14 |
 elmotaHozzászólások száma: 744 | thanks for the efforts  |
| 5 Augusztus 2007 07:06 |
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