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Land India  Geboortejaar 1962 Eerste bezoek 8 september 2006 Laatste bezoek 4 maart 2010 18:47
| Huidig aantal vertalings-punten 4867
Aantal virtuele vertalings-punten 4867
| Hoofdtaal Hindi  VSRawat kan de volgende talen lezen:   | Vertaling - Voorkeuren | |  |   |
| I am looking for paid English <-> Hindi translationsHi friends,
I am working for some companies as a professional translator for last three years.
I am also looking for paid English <-> Hindi translation assignments.
Hindi is my mothertongue and I am personally interested in linguistics. Hence, Quality and Punctuality is assured.
If interested, please feel free to send me a one page sample that I will do for free for you to assess the quality you would be getting from me.
Please consider.
V S Rawat
vsrawat@gmail.com |
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