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Oprindelig tekst - Engelsk - God bless my family. Keep them safe. Thank you...

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Kategori Tanker - Kærlighed / Venskab

God bless my family. Keep them safe. Thank you...
Tekst der skal oversættes
Tilmeldt af barrett1101
Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Engelsk

God bless my family. Keep them safe. Thank you for each day. Thank you for allowing my mother (may she rest in peace) to watch over me. Thank you for my wonderful children. Please keep my dad and brother in your watchful arms. Bless my Grandmother as she turns 100 in May and bless my aunt ruth for the strength to care for her. I love my family and I would have nothing and be nothing without you. Amen
Bemærkninger til oversættelsen
A little prayer I say at night.
3 April 2008 03:22