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Oprindelig tekst - Engelsk - The and of Pompeii

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Kategori Dagligliv - Nyheder / Aktuelt

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The and of Pompeii
Tekst der skal oversættes
Tilmeldt af hakanulusoy_93
Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Engelsk

Pompeii is a famous touristic place south of Naples in Italy.There is a volcano called Vesuvius.It is very near Pompeii.In Roman times,Pompeii was a big town,but on August 24th,79 the volcano Vesuvius erupted and destroyed it.In a very short time,Pompeii was covered with hot ash from the volcano,and over 2,000 people died immediately.When the ash became cold,it was preserved the bodies of these people.
26 April 2008 16:06