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Oprindelig tekst - Engelsk - ... I came in and said, "Hey Marvin, what`s up?"...

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Denne tekst er tilgængelig på følgende sprog: EngelskPortugisisk brasiliansk

... I came in and said, "Hey Marvin, what`s up?"...
Tekst der skal oversættes
Tilmeldt af Francisca Rodrigues
Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Engelsk

... I came in and said, "Hey Marvin, what`s up?" With that soft, genteel voice of his he sad, "Otis , come here. Sit down for a minute, let me test your ear?" So I sat down on the bench right next to him and he started playing these very progressive chord changes. He whanted to see if I could find the root note of each chord that he laid down.
1 November 2008 00:03