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Oprindelig tekst - Islandsk - Allur heimurinn óskýr, Nema þú stendur

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Denne tekst er tilgængelig på følgende sprog: IslandskPortugisisk brasiliansk

Kategori Sang

Allur heimurinn óskýr, Nema þú stendur
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Tilmeldt af codornaa
Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Islandsk

Allur heimurinn óskýr, Nema þú stendur
Bemærkninger til oversættelsen
Esse é um trecho de uma música ISLANDESA que gostaria de tatuar, por isso queria saber a tradução correta para o PORTUGUES.
24 August 2010 16:49

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24 August 2010 23:08

lilian canale
Antal indlæg: 14972
Hi Ernst, a bridge for evaluation, please?

CC: Bamsa

24 August 2010 23:46

Antal indlæg: 1524
Here it is:
"The whole world is cloudy (foggy or unclear), but you are standing."

24 August 2010 23:53

lilian canale
Antal indlæg: 14972

25 August 2010 17:30

Antal indlæg: 4
hi, thanks for your healp

just one more doubt, listen:
i should know exactly the meaning of the word "óskýr", i found two or three, one of them appears like "obscure", in other i found "blot" and you are telling me "cloudy", ok

then, can i think that the meaning of the first phrase is like "a bad world"?
like "even bad thinks happenings, you are standing"??

help meeeeeeeeeee :P
(ps: forgive me about my bad english, hahaha)

26 August 2010 10:25

Antal indlæg: 8114
Hello codornaa

I'm not an expert in Icelandic, but this is part of Sigur Rós lyrics -"hoppípolla", right? Guess lyrics can be interpreted in different ways.... but in that context, it looks a rather "happy" phrase. Someone told the message of this song is about to keep the child at heart, never grow to old to be playfull... beautiful thought!

And since the first rows are about smiles, spinning around, (maybe like in a carousell?) and probably about how it feels looking at the world... unclear / vague/ maybe being a bit dizzy... but still standing, I don't think it shall be interpreted as a bad world. Anyway... my opinion

26 August 2010 16:09

Antal indlæg: 4
Yeah, i love this song and i like your ideia about the letter.

I think i've tried to generalize my idea and it sounds no good :P ... This song gives me a peace of mind that i love!!

what you think, its gonna be a cool tattoo?

27 August 2010 10:22

Antal indlæg: 8114
Hello codornaa!

When I was young(er)... it was only criminals and ugly sailors who had tattoo's !!!!! Today I think many people (brave enough) has one, even young pretty girls. In some way I think it's sad, cause young people don't need that to look beautiful. I know tattoo's are about more than just looks - but it's the way I feel.

Agree, it's a cool phrase! Been thinking about your idea and I don't think it must be wrong... it's more a question of how we interpret. Sometimes there is a hidden message in lyrics, like written between the rows... for the reader to find out. In some way it make sense what you thought, like: "the world is bad/tough/unclear, keep the child in your heart alive and you will cope better/ manage to stand upright, while it's blowing a gale." And that was probably a VERY free interpretion by me.

PS Sorry if my English is a bit SwEnglish : p

27 August 2010 14:00

Antal indlæg: 4
How can you apologize even you are reading my bad bad english? hahaha :P

Ok Pias, this is what i was thinking before about "the bad world", thinking that way it makes some sense...

I already have 5 tattoos, but is nothing biiiig, all of them is hidden under my clothes, but actually i would like to erase my first one, that i did when i was just 16

28 August 2010 10:35

Antal indlæg: 8114
Oh no, never meant to make you sad. As you said, you can remove it... if you want. It wasn't meant as criticism against you or anyone else with tattos, it's a free choice!!

What I meant, but probably expressed myself bad is: I don't get it, how young people (with perrrrfect skin) chose to cover BIG parts of their bodies, IMO, that is sad. I wasn't thinking about small tattoos...

Have a good day, nice talking to you codornaa

1 September 2010 14:11

Antal indlæg: 4
I understood your opinion, my parents also don't like it :P He says that i want to turn ugly with these tattoos...

Nice talking to you too
I am doing an english course and here i can TRIE to speak something, hahaha :P