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10Oprindelig tekst - Engelsk - brayn

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Denne tekst er tilgængelig på følgende sprog: EngelskTyrkisk

Kategori Sang

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Tilmeldt af aaysun00
Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Engelsk

oh - thinkin´ about all our younger years
there was only you and me
we were young and wild and free

now nothin´ can take you away from me
we've been down that road before
but that´s over now
you keep me comin´ back for more

baby you´re all that I want
when you´re lyin´ here in my arms
I´m findin´ it hard to believe
we´re in heaven
and love is all that I need
and I found it there in your heart
it isn´t too hard to see
we´re in heaven

Senest redigeret af Francky5591 - 26 Februar 2007 22:15